Chapter 8 (Enough Games)

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BEFORE YOU READ THIS CHAPTER: It's really going in a different direction and idk why. It's kinda messed up. Maybe just stop here :(

A twist of fate
We're drawn to desire
One we once loathed
Now sets our hearts on fire
They may not be what's best for us
Love is blind, unlike trust
to break their spell we must find a way,
from a past disdain to a brighter day,
Will we grow to like despite our strife?
Demands we reconsider, changing our life

I flipped the page in my notebook. I wanted to restart another poem. Nothing that I wrote seemed right. I was just sitting on the couch looking for inspiration while the guys watched TV. I wasn't really interested in it so I decided to work on my poem. I brought one small notebook with me. Dally and Soda were on either side of me. "Watchya writing?" Soda asked.

"A poem for school." I replied.

"I'm sure it's better than I could do." Soda said

"Maybe on paper, but you sure have a lot to say." I said. He smiled at that and continued to watch me write. I kept writing some words and ideas down until I felt my pencil being lifted out of my grasp. I looked up and saw Dally holding my pencil.

"Why'd ya do that dal?" I asked.

"I wanted to see what you'd do."

"I'd get pissed." I spat back.

"What are you writing anyways? It's a Friday night." He asked.

"If you were paying attention to what I said 2 minutes ago, you'd know it was a poem for school." I said annoyed.

He tried to glance at my page but I quickly slammed my notebook shut. "Oh it's a secret? Didn't seem so secret when you showed Soda." Dally said.

"Soda's nice to me."  I said.

"Maybe you should be nice to her too." Soda said.

"I'm never nice." Dally said.

"Oh I know Winston." I said as I got up and walked outside. I figured I could work on my poem out there in peace. I sat down on the Curtis's porch and started to write:

Slowly I fell under an enigmatic spell
in the heart of chaos, secrets dwell
Deep brown eyes, a rebel's flame,

I was interrupted by the door slamming open. Dallas shuffled in his pockets before finding a cigarette. He lit it on the tag of his necklace. Hot. "Who does schoolwork on a Friday night babe." Dallas said while exhaling out smoke.

"Babe? That's a new one." I replied while rolling my eyes.

"Don't flatter yourself. I say that shit to everyone." He said while taking another drag on his cigarette. He walked closer to me and took my notebook right out of my hand.

"Give it back bitch!" I yelled.

"Nope. I'm reading your page you little whore." He said while putting my notebook high in the air so I couldn't reach it. "Dallas! Stop it!" I said while jumping up trying to get it.

"You're just embarrassing yourself y/n." He said. But as he said it, I jumped high enough and grabbed the notebook out of his hand. There was only one problem. The page I was working on got ripped out. 

"Fine Dallas. Read the damn page if you want it that bad." I said while sitting back down. He did in fact read the page. "Wow. Who's this enigmatic rebel you've fallen for?" He said with a smirk. God, I was so embarrassed. I didn't even fall for him. I couldn't decide what to say so this is what I said:

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