1 || The poor innocent soul.

10 2 4


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She woke up hearing muffled sounds, it sounded familiar so she got up. Those little legs leading to the door and peeking outside seeing both of her parents arguing.

She was confused, she didn't know why they were both yelling at eachother but she felt strange. She left fear and sadness hearing both of her beloved parents arguing.

"You were with other women creating your own families with them while you're daughter craves for a father's love she can never be given!" Her mother tells harshly.

"I'm the men here! I provide for the family and you should respect me for that no matter what I do" her father answers back.

"Provide?! Provide?" Her mother scoffs at the statement.

"You're too busy giving almost half of your salary to your other fucking families that you decided to create your own, even you can't give your daughter some quality of time or respect my son so what can you exactly give?!"

She was scared, she was scared that maybe the fight will turn into something physical.

So she went back to her bed and layed down as she listened to the muffled yelling sounds as she went back to sleep.


She wakes up feeling extremely unwell yet the muffled yelling sounds were still there, she leaves the room and walks over to the kitchen while both of her parents are arguing.

She stared at them while they ignore her presence as if she wasn't even there, like she was a non existent to them.

Still the yelling continues about their financial problems and more.

"If you knew you couldn't provide for a family of more than one then why even create one in the first place?!" Her mother yells harshly.

"I can provide for them! I made a mistake so why can't you forgive me?!"
Her father yells.

"You consider that as a mistake when you never learn from it and continue doing it, you're self centered. You never know the pain you cause people!" Her mother yells again.

The yelling continues to happen and it was exhausting to hear.

It was painful for her to see the two of the people she loved hate eachother, she questioned herself.. "do they even love eachother?"

Hours went by and the sickness she was feeling was still not gone, she was sitting on the floor cupping her cheeks feeling completely unwell while her parents were still arguing.

Her father then sits next to her and puts his arm on her back to comfort her yet it was no help since he was still yelling at her mother.

She was sick of everything happening around her life, the bullying in her school, her being locked in such a lonely dark house and not getting to live such a nice childhood like the others, her not getting to experience what a peaceful and loving family is.

~ || The sorrow Of The Unnamed || ~Where stories live. Discover now