[3] -I'll stare directly at the sun but never in the mirror

42 3 3

Now Playing: Anti-Hero by Taylor Swift


You stood in line with the others on the center of the Grudgby field as Lilith counted you off into teams. The winning team would make it to trial 3. This time, Kikimora and the Golden Guard were watching as well.

Calm down, Y/N. It's just grudgby.

Except as someone like you, grudgby was a bad idea. Last time you tried grudgby you didn't make it on the team because you burnt the coaches eyebrows off during tryouts.

"1..2..1..2..1..2.." She counted down the line. "1.." She said as she pointed at you. Team 1. 

"Okay, 1's on the left, 2's on the right." She shouted. 

You headed over to the left, Zarina excitedly waved at you.

"We got this!" They fist bumped you, and you smiled.

"Yeah, sure." You nodded. "We got this."

The first few minutes of the game,  you were just avoiding the other team and trying not to be responsible for any problems.

"Would you just be useful for the love of the Titan?" A bitchy girl on your team shouts at you.

"Would you mind your business?" You shout back.

"This is my team, and we're winning." She says.

"Spend some more time winning than arguing with your teammates then." You snap, rushing across the court and catching the stupid ball. Shit, bad idea. You notice one of your teammates was open and standing on a tall plant they had conjured. You tossed it to them and then ran for your life away from the scary court traps. You suddenly notice something small fly past you.

Holy shit.

You draw a spell circle to stop it in it's path and reach for it, clutching it in your palm.

"Team 1 wins!" Lilith shouts, and everybody freezes.

"But we're ahead!" One of the team 2 players says.

"That incompetent loser caught the rusty smidge!" The demon boy from yesterday complained.

"Rules are rules." Lilith states, walking up to you. "Told them you weren't meant for the baby class." She muttered. You smiled, unable to hide how great an ounce of approval after years of being put down felt. "Well, well. Team 2 can go home now."

"Not terrible, but they could all use more training." The Golden Guard says, walking over to the members of team 1. Why's his voice kinda- "Hopefully you all show tomorrow at the castle, I'd like to see what else you're all capable of." With that he walks away, but Kikimora stays, glaring at you.

"Don't you think we should've canceled out the rusty smidge for this game? It doesn't show real talent."

"No, but it shows that they were aware of more than just the other team." Lilith responds cooly. "And this program doesn't concern you, so it's best you don't try judging the way I run things." You almost laugh at the look on Kikimora's face after that, but you keep your composure.

"We'll see you all at the castle tomorrow morning. I'd say good luck, but you'll need a lot more than that." She said before walking away.

"Y'know, these trials haven't been all that tough." You say, surprised.

"That's because they're not supposed to be hard." A boy beside you says. "They hand picked all of us, they just need to find out who's the best." 

"I guess."

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