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"It's that time of year," Aurora squealed as she got out of bed, "We have to get ready, go shopping, it's tonight. No time to waste."

"Hush up, I'm tired," Ella groaned as she buried her face in her pillow. 

"Come on, it's the mid semester masquerade ball hosted by none other than Henry Charming and his 2 delicious looking friends," Aurora giggled.

Ella sighed and got out of bed, "Can I just skip it? My stepmother is sending a car for me tonight. Apparently I'm needed again for the business."

Aurora gaped at her, "No you can not. Ariel," she yelled, "Briella is trying to cop out. Besides, we will have you back in time."

"I don't know," Ella softly said.

Ariel bounded in the room, "Come on. Freshman are never invited and this year they are. It's going to be ah mazing!"

"Isn't Henry a senior? Why would he want freshman?" Belle asked as she came in behind Ariel yawning. 

"Who knows but all I know is that Hunter and I will probably make a quick appearance and than dash out," Eira giggled.

"You guys are sickeningly cute," Jasmine grinned, "How are Florian and Ferdinand doing?"

"They're good. Busy with so many jobs. I feel like I barley have time to see them even though I see them almost every weekend and when we do meet up," Eira fanned her face, "It's hot."

"I'm so jealous," Ariel grinned, "I want some hot lovers."

"Maybe we will all find our true love at this ball," Aurora sighed happily.

"You're such a hopeless romantic Aurora," Belle smiled.

"I know but one day I'll meet the man of my dreams," she sighed gazing up at the ceiling.

"Okay, everyone out," Briella said, "I need to wake up. Give me half an hour. But I really do need to be back early tonight. She said she needed the driver this evening so he is picking me up at midnight."

"Midnight, got it." Ariel smiled, "Now come on sleepy head!"

The girls all giggled as they left chattering excitedly about tonight.

The day was filled with shopping and laughter. Briella was so thankful for this group of girls that she had met. She couldn't imagine not having them in her life. They all arrived promptly at 7 and Briella's heart raced as she walked through the entrance of the mansion, her eyes wide with awe. "Holy shit, it's beautiful," she murmured. She adjusted her mask on her face, tightening it up for fear that it would fall away.

The other girls nodded their agreement as they got led to a huge ballroom with men and woman dressed up all fancy with ballgowns and suits. Eira immediately got whisked away by Hunter to the dance floor and soon after the other girls got asked to dance and Ella was left alone. She smiled at her friends happy for them. She glanced around and decided to go exploring.

The sound of her glass slippers echoed through the opulent hallway, each step enthralling her further into the depths of the house's hidden mysteries. With each turn, she discovered rooms filled with exquisite art, intricate tapestries, and antique furniture that hinted at a secret world hidden behind closed doors. As she ventured deeper into the mansion, her sense of direction waned.

"Shit, I'm lost," Ella groaned as she walked down one of the many halls. She tried a few doors but theses ones were all locked. She finally tried another one and it opened. She found a light and turned it on. It was then that Brielle encountered three men standing behind her, their presence as commanding as the rooms she had explored. Their striking features, clad in tailored suits, exuded both elegance and an undeniable aura of dominance.

Midnight Masquerade: Fairy Tale Academy Book 2Where stories live. Discover now