Finally Acquainted

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What nobody knew was that this was another moment Reilly had been waiting for, and he couldn't stop himself from grinning when he saw that Katie was exiting the Clover City with only Alfie accompanying her. He watched her through his crystal ball as she made her way into the forest, and when he saw her friends coming up behind her, he decided to cast a spell that would guide her to a special spot. With that in mind, he watched as she walked along the path before picking up his violin and starting to play it. To Katie and Alfie, the music was so entrancing that they immediately veered off the path, and they chased after the sound while leaving their friends behind.

She soon made her way to what looked like an abandoned gypsy camp, complete with a fireplace surrounded by a few tree stumps and logs, and it reminded her of when she would camp on and off the farm. The music added to the calming ambiance and made her feel like she was at home again, but that's when she noticed the music changing to a haunting melody. Before Katie could take a curious step towards the wagon, an army of gypsy travellers started appearing from every direction, gathering around her in a fascinating dance formation. It was almost like they were members of Riverdance with their synchronized moves and their coordination, and while Katie held Alfie close and looked around, Kieran's music continued before the men stopped when it did.

When a couple of claps filled the air, the men took a step back in unison before the door to the wagon opened, presenting Reilly to the frightened young woman and her dog. Decked out in his finest apparel consisting of a red-and-black vest and a red sash accessorizing a white shirt and black pants, Reilly's smile grew as he walked over to Katie, who looked at him in both curiosity and fear. While she couldn't help but wonder if she had seen him somewhere else recently, he knew that this would be his big chance to impress her enough to have him escort her home, so he gently took her hand and kissed it as he bowed to her. It took a while for Katie to speak due to her nervousness, but after she asked if he was the same gypsy king she heard about when she arrived, she was greeted with a chuckle and a nod.

"Yes, Katie, I am the gypsy king known as Reilly. Thanks to my crystal ball and my wagon, I can see and be anywhere in Laz that I choose, but despite what you've heard, I am not fully evil."

Katie was unsure of who to trust about Reilly now, especially since she had been warned about how he might harm her if she wasn't careful, and Reilly could sense her uncertainty. Wanting to help her feel better, Reilly suggested that she join him and his men in a few dances, and she agreed to do so. After one of the men carefully took Alfie and sat by the side with the dog in his lap, Katie watched as some of the other travellers grabbed assorted instruments before everyone else gathered with her. Once the music started, Reilly and Katie bowed to each other before their dance began, Katie dividing her focus between his face and his feet. As much as she didn't want to step on his feet, she was almost hypnotized by his ocean-blue eyes, which is when she wondered if she had seen him somewhere before.

"Pardon me for asking, Sir...but are you the one that carried me out of the field earlier?"

"Why, yes!"

Making sure not to mention how he caused her to fall asleep there, he explained how he had seen her collapse in the Wild Irish Rose field and felt a need to rescue her. Seeing how this supposedly evil King had a soft side made Katie both surprised and nervous, unsure of which side was an act and which side was really him. Reilly could see how confused his guest was, and when she apologized for her reactions, he assured her that she was alright before asking if there was anything she needed. Even though she was sent for his golden fiddle, the mention of her nap in the field brought back feelings of exhaustion, so she asked if there was anywhere she could get some sleep.

With a nod, Reilly instructed some of his men to make the bed in the wagon as comfortable as possible for her, and Katie blushed at how sweet he was. When the bed was ready, Reilly smiled as Katie was given Alfie back before leading them into the wagon, where he even helped her take off her shoes. After holding Alfie while Katie climbed under the covers, Reilly set the dog on top of her owner before smiling and kissing Katie's forehead, causing them both to chuckle before he wished her sweet dreams. With that, Katie held Alfie close and shut her eyes before falling asleep, all while Reilly took his golden fiddle and began playing it again.

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