Need a Lift?

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All that remained were Katie and Alfie, and Katie was both excited and anxious about seeing her family and friends again, especially her dear farmhand Declan.

"Now, Katie and Alfie. You have shown great amounts of heart, brains, and courage throughout your time here, almost like you bring those qualities out of anyone you're with. As a reward for that, I will gladly help you get back home..."

"Pardon me for interrupting, Your Excellency, but... may I have a word with you for a moment?"

Reilly piped up, and even though the Wizard was caught off-guard by the question, he nodded before excusing himself and meeting with Reilly behind his curtain. When the two of them stepped away from the curtain, Katie could see that both Reilly and the Wizard were smiling about something, and even Alfie looked at them in confusion before both of them patted her shoulders. After letting her know that Reilly was going to bring her home, the Wizard suggested that Katie should say goodbye to her friends before leaving.

With a nod, Katie held Alfie close before going over to her friends, who were both sad to see her go and curious about how Reilly was going to help her get home. She then made sure to say goodbye to each of her friends, each of whom had different responses: Shane gave her a straw from his hat, Tómas exchanged a kiss on her cheek for his oil can, and Liam was crying so much that he used his tail as a tissue. As soon as both Katie and Alfie had said their goodbyes to her friends, she promised that she wouldn't forget them before looking towards the Wizard and saying that she was ready. With a smile, the Wizard nodded before having Katie's friends follow them outside, which is where Reilly said her ride would be.

Just as everyone had gotten outside, Katie looked around for the surprise ride before gasping when she saw Reilly's wagon hovering above them. When she noticed that the wagon was lifting something with sturdy wires, she gasped when she recognized the heavy object as her full bedroom, and she started crying at the thought of being one step closer to home. Once the bedroom was carefully lowered onto the ground, Reilly smiled when he saw Katie's emotional reaction before climbing down and opening the door for her. Sure enough, the folks in Little Lad Land had fixed as much of her room as they could, and not a single part of her room was missing from when she last saw it. After she ran back outside and thanked Reilly with a tight embrace, she asked him why he would carry her house over to the Clover City, to which he blushed and cleared his throat.

"Well, I did that for two reasons: so you wouldn't have to walk all the way back to Little Lad Land, and because... I wanted to help you some more. I'm sure it would be quite a shock to your family if they saw your bedroom reappear, but I know the right spells that could help it reconnect to your old home like nothing happened, all while I keep my wagon invisible! What do you think?"

Amazed at how much Reilly wanted to prove his kindness, Katie agreed to have him take her home before she gave him a thank-you hug, thanking him for helping her get closer to home before they pulled away. She then waved goodbye to all her friends and the Wizard before running back into her room, where she held Alfie close before looking out the window as the room started to rise off the ground. Sure enough, Reilly's wagon was able to pick up her room and carry her away, and she waved to her friends as Laz started getting smaller.

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