A Happy Ending

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When Declan noticed the ring that Katie was wearing, he asked her if he could use it to bring Reilly into the room, so he could see if the Gypsy King really had changed his ways. With a smile, Katie nodded before rubbing the ring in the spot that Reilly told her to, and it seemed like nothing happened until her bedroom doorway was darkened by Reilly's presence.

"You sent for me, Katie?"

Reilly jokingly asked as he strolled over to the bed, and while Katie giggled at his playfulness, Declan looked on in awe at the stranger's attire. As it turns out, Reilly was able to stay under the bed until she started calling for him, but he didn't want to scare them both by popping out from under the bed. After explaining that his men were guarding the camp while he stayed in Iowa, Reilly smiled as he introduced himself to Declan, who could see how Reilly was more silly and sweet than sinister. That was when an idea came to mind, causing Declan to grin as he asked if Reilly could help him with something. Seeing Katie raise her eyebrow in confusion, Declan smiled before whispering his request into Reilly's ear, and Reilly's eyes widened before he smiled and winked at Katie as Declan sat on the bed.

"Katie?" Declan started while taking her hand, both clearly nervous and a little excited. "I asked if Reilly could be a witness, because there is something I've been wanting to ask you for a while."


"Well, um... your absence from the farm really made my heart beat harder, and I've been planning on asking you something for quite some time, but I've never had the courage to do it until now."

As Reilly smiled at how Declan incorporated her friends' requests into his introduction, he started calling for his men to bring her friends to Iowa, all while Declan pulled something small out of his pocket. After taking a deep breath, Declan didn't notice the small crowd forming as he knelt on the ground and held out the object, which was a dazzling diamond ring.

"Katie... will you marry me?"

While everyone else gasped at the question, Katie nodded and started crying before dropping to the ground and hugging him, all while her Laz friends cheered for them. After pulling away and watching as Declan slid the ring onto her finger, Katie looked up before gasping when she saw that Shane, Tómas, Liam, and the Wizard were standing beside Reilly. The lovers soon found themselves in the biggest group-hug ever, and while Alfie bounced around in excitement, Declan looked at all the other visitors in confusion. Once everyone had pulled away, Katie gladly introduced Declan to all of her friends, and she thanked them for being there to witness a big moment in her life. When asked if they could come back when their future wedding happens, the Wizard smiled and patted her shoulder before chuckling as he suggested the wedding venue being the Clover City, and the fiances nodded before they thanked him for the suggestion.

With that, everyone on the farm was soon amongst the crowd of onlookers when the wedding between Declan and Katie happened, complete with Alfie as the flower dog. The Wizard's parson officiated the service, and since Katie didn't know many women enough to be her bridesmaids, her four Laz friends split themselves up, with Shane and Tómas behind Declan and Reilly and Liam behind Katie. After a splendid wedding ceremony and reception, the happy couple went on a balloon ride around the land of Laz, along with Alfie in the basket with them. And the two of them lived happily ever after, calling both Laz and Iowa their home and making frequent trips between the two lands.

The end.

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