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A sound of clicking followed by a door opening as the light outside illuminate the apartment. As it was an empty apartment with a counter and a kitchen in the left corner of the room as the right was 2 doors. Seemingly small but yet good enough for 1 person.

As the person holding a small box that wrote "P" On it as behind him was 2-3 medium boxes. As he walked inside the apartment. He placed the box near the door as he proceeded to take the medium size boxes inside his apartment room.

As he finished sorting his stuff around there respective places. He hears a knock on the door, he approaches the door as he opened it and behind the door he saw a short and skinny kid with a round face as it was framed by a short mop of fluffy dark-green hair which curls up at odd angles around his head, casting noticeably dark shadows onto itself. His eyes are large and somewhat circular and his irises are the same shade of green as his hair, he also has a set of four symmetrical freckles in diamond formations. He held a small plastic tupperware what assumes food.

She slightly tensed up when she saw a blonde man with the same green emerald irises but was more darker in the middle, as he had circular dark shade around his eyes with his emotional cold face was the thing that made her surprise as she didn't suspect a foreigner but she recompose herself likewise

"G-good morning. I-i'm your new n-neighbor... hehe..." He chuckled as the person didn't respond at all. The green haired person was getting nervous more and more.

"I- uh... My name is Izuku Midoriya... M-my mother want t-to give this to you. H-here!" He handed the blonde person the tupperware as he just looked at the box for a brief moment making the broccoli more nervous but he was slightly surprised as the person hummed in understanding as he takes the box somewhat politely as he bowed slightly.

The boy gave out a sigh from his mouth either from the nervous feeling or the intense stare that he had. He also realized that he forgot to ask the man name but he didn't want to interrupt whatever he's doing. So then he decided to ask his name next time as he walked to his mother apartment. Ignoring the fact that who he was talking was the next horror he will face in the next future...


The blonde man was driving the gray lookalike DeLorean drove through the city as he manuver each car or any vehicle in its way. As he finally stop in a certain building he parked it in front of the entrance as he walked out from the car having a bat on his right hand and a chicken mask in the other.

He went into the door and held the handle of the door and peeped inside as he spot a guard with a white tuxedo and under it is a blue navy shirt and white pants alongside with dark leather shoes. And coincidentally he was looking away from the door

As the blonde man fully open the door slowly making a creak sound as the man finally looked at the sudden sound as his eyes widen but before he could react for anything. He quickly dig his nails and fingers through his neck making him choke on his own blood but then his fingers slowly grab his Adams Apple and ripped it out from his neck. As he fell down on the floor making a blood of pool out from his neck.

When suddenly he hears muffled music above his head alongside with foot thumping seemingly rhythmic the music like dancing. Ignoring the sound he then wore his chicken mask. He then tap and dragged his bat on the floor as he searches for the staircase or elevator as he met by two similar goons walking down the hallway. He quickly react as he dashed through the goon as he swing his bat, bashing the first by the barrel and then he pushed the knob of the bat into the other goons eye making him stumble. The goon then pulled out his knife and swinged into the chicken guy as he side stepped and karate chop behind the neck as he fell unconscious. Not wanting to leave evidence he stomp the goons head with the heel of his shoe as his head exploded.

He kept continued his searching for the stairs but not even a minute he founded it. Not wasting time he jogged up the stairs making the volume of the music making it clear and loud for the chicken man. He did the same thing as he peeped slightly of the door as he saw a relatively small group of goons dancing and drinking.


The door went flying hitting one of the goons in the process. As the music stops alongside with the people who were doing there business stop in their tracks as they saw the chicken mask man. They quickly pulled there perspective guns either a melee weapon or a rifle. As the chicken mask man gripped the bats handle... He was prepared for the worse...

(sorry for not making a fight scene, I am busy with personal things so I'm just gonna skip, but I'll make sure I make another fight scene)

Blood dripping from the end of his bloody bat, his other arm too. Once goons with limbs and a soul. Now lifeless and dead in there own blood as their brain was fully expose to the chicken man. In front of him is a goon petrified of this mans doing and was on his knees holding his left side rib that was bleeding. How could such a person could do all of this?. What made them like this?, and Why?. The thoughts of these things come to an end when the jacket man put his barrel of the bat on top of his head. Jolted, the man looked up to him as he also saw the black beady eyes from the mask showing no remorse nor humanity in its eyes. All it want is just. To. Hurt. People...

(Sorry short one. Lazy again anyways bye)

𝘼 𝙈𝙖𝙨𝙠-𝙨𝙖𝙘𝙧𝙚 (MHA x M!Jacket!Reader) *Rewrite*Where stories live. Discover now