Chapter Four

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Both Hanako and Kou whipped their heads around to face the familiar voice, eyes wide and jaws dropped.
Hanako recovered quicky, and he pursed his mouth into a tight line as he tilted his head innocently. ''Whatcha talking about, Yashiro?"
''What you guys were just talking about!'' Nene insisted, fists clenched at her sides, ''I heard everything! let me have a say in it too!''
"Well, if you heard everything, then just what exactly were we talking about?" Hanako asked, raising a skeptical eyebrow as he crossed his arms. Her mouth opened to defend herself, but
it quickly snapped shut as she remembered that she had lied about hearing everything. As if to mock her, he cupped his ear, leaning the side of his face in her direction. ''Go on.''
She pursed her lips as she furrowed her eyebrows. ''You said that..''
Nene trailed off, so Hanako hopped off the windowsill, stalked towards her, and cupped her cheeks.

''I said what?" Hanako said, lightly carressing her cheekbone.
She huffed, noticing how suspicious it was for Hanako to tenderly brush his fingers against her face, as he usually only did that when he was trying to distract her. So, as soothing as the nuzzles were, the cream haired girl snatched the thumb that was grazing Nene's eyelid, then used her other hand to grab his full hand, and pressed it into his chest. ''Stop trying to distract me!''
Although he was trying to play it off, it was definitely noticeable that he was disappointed that his distraction hadn't worked. "I'm not trying to,''
"Yes you are!''
"No I'm not.''
"Yes, you are!"
''No, I'm not!''
''Guys!'' Kou called, pulling the pair out of their arguement, ''can you guys please not fight?"
An amused but annoyed smirk spreads along Hanako's face. ''I totally forgot our son was in the room.''
"For the last time, YOU'RE. NOT. MY. DAD!'' Kou yelled, grabbing Hanako by his collar and shaking him vigorously.
''You're so cruel, denying your father like this.'' Hanako weeped, obviously trying to play a dramatic show to avoid anymore of the arguement.
But, unfortunately for him, Nene had other ideas. She placed her hands on her hips. ''Y'know what, we might as well be Kou-Kun's parents! Since Hanako-Kun has soooooooooooooooo much fun teasing him about it, we might as well! Congratulations, Kou-Kun! We're offically your parents!'' With a huff, she whipped her head around to face Hanako, who's face was now painted a bright pink, ''well?! Got anything to say to that?!''

Apparently he finally shut his mouth for once, because not a single peep left his mouth. She spun around to face Kou, who was shocked to his core, as he never expected such declarations from his beloved Senpai. ''Are you okay, Kou-Kun? You look kind of pale.''
Hanako probably hadn't wanted her to hear his mutter, but the quiet grumble still reached her ears.''Probably because you basically just said that since he's our kid, you're implying we had a kid together.''
As his words slowly processed through her head, her face started to rapidly turn into several shades of red. ''I what.'' Neither boys answered her, so she waved her hands in the air as her cheeks grew warmer. ''I WHAT?!''
Sure, she might've been the one to actually say the words, but she wasn't particularly known for thinking before she spoke when she was extremely frustrated.
Nene buried her face in her hands, desperately wishing to phase through the floor. She heard soft footsteps approach her, then felt a comforting hand on her shoulder. It must've been Hanako.
''It's okay, I know you didn't mean it.'' Hanako soothed, gently carressing her shoulder.
She wouldn't say that, but it's not like she was going to protest.

Nene leaned into his touch, so Hanako let his hand travel up to lightly play with her hair.
''Hey, uhm..guys?''
Both pre-teens turned their direction towards the middle schooler, who was cringing from the two being so close.
Hanako pulled his hand away, allowing it to fall against his side. ''Hm?"
''I was gonna say that I'm gonna go and look for Mitsuba, I haven't seen him since the festival,'' Kou explained, suspiciously eager to leave the two alone.
The cream haired girl was slightly disappointed that the blond was leaving so soon, but she was still secretly cheering Kou and Mitsuba on. ''Okay, tell him I said hi!''
''I will! Get home safely, Senpai!''
And with that, Kou left the bathroom with a wave and a grin.
Nene waved back until she lost the sight of his disheveled blond hair, and let her hand slowly fall out of the air.

'' ready to clean?'' Hanako asked playfully, holding up the cleaning supplies.
Nene whined, but still reluctantly waddled over to him and pulled the supplies out of his hands.
Hanako beamed, and watched her as she cleaned the mirrors, pout plastered on her face.
''It's not that bad,'' Hanako said soothingly, ruffling her hair.
Nene immediately whipped her head around. ''If it's not 'that bad' then why don't you clean?!''
She glowered at him angrily, causing Hanako to chuckle lightly. ''So aggressive..''
The cream haired girl was about five seconds away from pulling a Crybaby from K-12 and choke Hanako with her hair like Crybaby did to Kelly. ''I'm not aggressive!''
Nene furrowed her eyebrows tartly, but still spun around, and continued to clean the mirror.
The two fell silent, the only sounds being the soft sounds of Nene's breathing and the light noise of a rag scrubbing glass.

Eventually, the two heard a knock on the bathroom door.
''Who's that?'' Nene asked, tilting her head.
Seemingly relieved that she wasn't angry at him, he shrugged. ''Lemme check.''
He hopped off his usual spot on the windowsill, and stalked over to the bathroom door, sending one of his Hakujoudai to swirl around Nene's head, as though it was her bodyguard.
The brunet sluggishly opened the door, revealing two rather glamorous preteens, Aoi and Mitsuba.
Hanako furrowed his eyebrows. ''Why are you guys here?"
''We came here for Nene-Chan!'' Aoi explained, stepping on her tip-toes, scrutinizing the abandoned girl's bathroom for the cream haired girl. Ultimately, she spotted Nene, and she skipped over to her best friend, then gave her a hug.

''She barely just got here,'' Hanako protested, floated over to the two, pushed Aoi away as gently as possible, and draped his arms over Nene's shoulders.
''Hm?'' Aoi hummed, seemingly irritated by Hanako's interruption of their hug, and pulled her phone out of her dress pocket. She glanced at the time, smiled, and presented it to the brunet haired ghost. ''Barely just got here? Honorable Number Seven, she's been here for thirty minutes!''
Hanako grumbled, and nuzzled Nene's shoulder, causing a light flush to dust Nene's cheeks, which prompted Aoi's smug but no less angelic smile to widen. ''Come back in like, ten minutes.''
Mitsuba stepped forward, eyebrows raised at Nene, like he was hinting something. She flushed further, glowering at the pair, much to Hanako's confusion. They both ignored it, and Aoi nudged Mitsuba, so he nodded.

''Daikon-Senpai, where's that guy you were hanging out with earlier?'' Mitsuba asked, swiftly glancing at Hanako, who started to seeth just at the mention of the guy's existence.
''Who?'' Was it just her, or was Hanako beginning to cling to her tighter?
''Oh, just this boy that's taking a liking to Nene-Chan,'' Aoi explained sweetly, winking at Nene when his expression grew angrier.
Hanako smiled, tight and cool. ''Uh-huh.''
''What, are you jealous, Honorable Number Seven?'' Mitsuba asked teasingly, smirk set on his face.
Hanako's smile hardened. ''Me? Jealous? No.''
''Sure seems like it,'' Nene muttered under her breath, prompting Hanako's eyes to slide over to her.
''What was that?'' Hanako asked, looking relatively confused.

''Nothing,'' Nene replied, avoiding his eyes.
''Alright..?'' Hanako drawled, tilting his head with scrunched eyebrows.
''Anyway,'' Aoi attempted to distract them from fighting, ''could Nene-Chan get the day off?''
She fluttered her long eyelashes and batted her doe eyes, trying to look innocent and not look like she was going to play match-maker for Nene and the new student, but the small trick did nothing to convince Hanako.
Realizing that trying to convince the supernatural she wasn't going to try and push the boy and Nene closer wasn't going to work, the amethyst haired girl turned to Nene, signaling for her to take the lead.
Nene, immediately understanding the signal, spun around to face Hanako, and stared at him pleadingly. ''Pleaseeeeeeeeeeee, Hanako-Kun? I pinky swear that I'll clean extra on Thursday!''
''Hm,'' Hanako hummed, tapping his chin thoughtfully as though the plead was the most burdensome task placed upon him, ''...fine.''
Nene squealed happily, and crushed Hanako in a hug. ''Thank you!''
And still running on adrenaline, she pecked his forehead, and rushed out of the bathroom with Aoi and Mitsuba.

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