Chapter 13

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(Once again, the characters are pretty out of character in this one, so take it easy on me guys !!)

Nene bashfully staggered through the classroom doorway, frantically looked around the room, then rushed over to a particular lavender haired girl. "Did you tell him to get me a bouquet?!"
Aoi merely giggled, eyes mischevious as she replied, "actually, I only helped him get the flowers. The bouquet was all his idea. Although, I hardly doubt he'll ever stop being so stubborn. Seriously, I had to force him to admit what he wanted to get you."
Nene sighed, rubbing loose circles into her forehead. "Okay, let me explain what happened."
So she did. She whined and mumbled and wailed, prompting her best friend to gently pet her hair as she encouraged the cream haired girl to continue.
Once the words were completely spilled out, she planted her forehead against the desk, whining, "he's so confusing! Can't he just tell me what he wants and make our relationship easy for once?!"
"I told you, his stubbornness is never going to fade," Aoi sighed, tenderly toying with Nene's baby bangs. "But hey, at least you got a compliment and a palm kiss. He was feeling impatient yesterday, wasn't he? He wants you guys together just as much as you do. He said it himself!"
Immediately, Nene's brooding expression brightened into a hopeful one. "He what?!"
The amethyst haired girl instantly launched into an explanation, never glossing over a single detail, and nor did her best friend want her to.
When she was done, Nene's cheeks were glowing. "He wants to hold my hand?"
A tinkling laugh escaped Aoi's mouth. "Is that all you got from that?"

"Hey! It's not my fault! Wouldn't you get embarrased if someone told you that the biggest crush you've ever had in your life had said they wanted to date you and hold your hand?"
"Hmm, I suppose you're right." Aoi hummed, cupping her cheek as she thought.
Nene whined, burying her face into her palms. "Do I try to confess--? Wait."
"What flowers did you choose for him?"
"Don't you have them?"
Looking away with a bashful ruddiness shrouding her face, she murmured, "I put them in some water last night, I wanted to make sure they lasted."
Aoi giggled, her eyes crinkling like petticoats at the corners. "I'm so going to tell Honorable Number Seven."
Instantly, color grazed creamy complexion. "No!"
"Aww, why not?" Aoi teased, gently prodding at Nene's roseate-hued cheek.
"Because that's embarrasing!" Nene cupped her cheeks as she planted her elbows
on her desk.
"I'm sure he won't mind,"
"Uh, yeah he will! Seriously Aoi, you will not believe how long his rants about how we can't be together and how I'm apparently too good for him are!"
"Oh, trust me, I had to deal with that yesterday."
"Yeah, for maybe a few minutes! I have to deal with that every. Single. Day!" Nene ranted, tugging at her cream tinted bangs.
Aoi ruffled her silken tresses comfortingly, singing, "well, you might not have to deal with that if you just tell him how you feel. Like you said, he kinda showered you with affection yesterday, didn't he? That proves you're wearing him down! I bet if you just tell him, his guard will immediately fall!"

Nene glanced up at her, eyes pouty. "Are you sure?"
Aoi threw her a beaming smile. "One hundred percent! After all, he didn't protest at all when I was picking those flowers while telling him their meanings."
"What were the meanings?"
The amethyst haired girl shot her another mischevious grin. "Nene-Chan, you know all the meanings of the flowers, right?"
"Yeah, why?"
"Well, do you remember the meanings of Baby's Breath, hydrangea, and Gerbera Daisy?"
Everlasting love...precious feelings...'I Love You..'
Nene's face flushed. "When does class end?"
"In five minutes, why?"
"Five minutes too long, I gotta go to the bathroom!" She raised her hand, got the 'okay' to leave for the restroom, and took off, but not before mouthing 'thank you' to Aoi's 'good luck!"
She rushed out of the classroom, whipping her head in almost all directions as she searched for a shortcut to the abandoned girl's restroom.
Ultimately, she found one, and zoomed down there so fast you would've assumed she was on the run.

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