003 | Scared kids

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(Before the apocalypse)

April sat at her desk before her dad called her for dinner. As she opened the door she was met with the smell of steak and potatoes. "Smells good, thanks dad" She sat the the table and started eating before her father could sit. "So how was school?" That was a question her dad always asked every night at dinner. And it was always the same answer "good" the rest of dinner was filled with chit-chat and laughs.

seemed like they lived the perfect life.


Carl and April sat in her room for the rest of the day. The sun started to set. April got up and walked over to her desk. She reached into a drawer and pulled out her gun.

"Hey what are you doing" Carl jumped up and walked towards her.

She loaded the gun and tucked it in her pocket.

"We can't just sit here for the rest of our lives, so you wanna stay or come with me?" Carl opened the door. "Lead the way"

She took that as a yes and walked out. But she didn't go downstairs she walked down the hall to the window.
"Woah where are we going"
"Out the window" April said it so casually like she'd done it before, which she had. There was a ladder on the side of the house making it easy for them to get down.

They both dropped on the ground, April crouched and started walking towards the backyard.

Walkers were heard groaning. A groan got closer so April backed up but Carl shot. The groans stopped. "Shit". She didn't hesitate to start running her pace picked up as she was running to the woods Carl not far behind her. The walkers who had noticed them were following at a fast pace.

April took out her gun and shot a couple of them leaving pools of blood on the ground.

Carl shot more of them as they ran. April ducked behind a tree and pulled Carl down to her.

The dead walked past them. Carls breath was heavy her breath however seemed surprisingly calm. April stood up and dusted herself off she stayed walking back to her house.

The front door was open with blood on the handle. They both walked inside their guns raised. Banging was heard in the kitchen. April pointed her gun and walked slowly into the kitchen.

A group of walkers were attacking an older man, he was thin and had short hair. He remained April of her father. Carl seemed to recognize the man and immediately started shooting some of the walkers.

The boy and man cleared the walkers then she walked into the kitchen. The man's was breathing heavy. "Who's he?" She turned to Carl. "That's-" The man stopped him from saying anything and looked at her.

She gave him a confused look before he pulled out handcuffs. "Hey what the hell are you doing" He approached April ready to handcuff her. They started fighting. She was punching him while he was trying to hold her down.

After some fighting he managed to handcuff her to the star railing. She sat sulking after loosing the fight. "Wanna tell me who you are, and what you're doing with Carl and where the hell Rick is?" He paced in front of her.

"I'll tell you all that if you take these goddamn things off!" She jingled the handcuffs. "Yeah not until you answer me". April groaned but didn't say anything.
"Fine you're sleeping here tonight then" The older man walked away with Carl following.

As she sat there Carl and him started arguing. Carl was defending her telling him that she wasn't dangerous. He was arguing back saying how she was a stranger and couldn't be trusted. The men kept yelling loud enough to attract walkers.

"Mind shutting up in there!" She yelled. No one replied and but they lowered their voices, April closed her eyes trying to fall asleep.

The next morning she woke to the sound of fighting. April reached for her knife and realized she was out of the cuffs. "GET IN THE CAR!" Someone was yelling outside.

April was weak like she had been drugged.

Carl ran inside and picked her up with ease. "Carl..." Her voice was low "I know I know come on I got you" he lifted her up and walked outside with her. He placed her in the backseat and got in the front seat.

He was next to the older man who was driving. There were walker groans and banging coming from outside the car. He started driving fast they got far away then the car broke down. The older man walked outside the car and popped the hood.

He worked on the car until five men grabbed him. They were beating him, the men didn't notice us until Carl opened up his door. He was immediately grabbed from behind and held on the ground. She was still dizzy in the back seat but managed to get the door open but just like Carl was grabbed from the side.

She was thrown against the car then fell to the ground. April tried to fight as the man climbed on her.

Aprils hands were taken behind her back, making it impossible to move anything other than her arms.

He pressed the girls face into the dirt beneath her, then something other then Daryl's grunts could be heard.

A zipper, she knew it was coming from behind her.

"Shhh just relax doll" He spoke out just the way you would think, such a creepy perverted tone.

"Please don't do this, you don't have to"
"Shut up" He punched her in the head, not hard enough to knock April out, but hard.

She started to cry knowing she couldn't defend herself anymore, so she stopped moving.

Suddenly her hand came in contact with something sharp, her knife.

The girl picked it up and stabbed the man, right in the head.

He groaned and slowly let go of her, she was strong enough to flip him over, continuing to stab him.

He was already dead, she knew that, but she kept stabbing, blood got all over the place all in her hair, her neck, her clothes.

Even though he was bleeding she continued to stab him. That was until another person gripped her from behind. Her knife dropped as she banged on the persons chest.

"Let go of me, let fucking go" April had her eyes closed and was still trying to get out of his grasp.

"Your okay it's gonna be okay" She opened her eyes and the man from before was holding her. April looked around and spotted lots of people, a whole group. Carl was being held by his dad and a woman.

She stayed in his arms and sobbed.


Giving you guys nothing but something. This chapter made me so sad and it's a long one sorry.
Don't be a silent reader XX

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