013 | Bang

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Changing up the dialogue so the talking will be more spaced out this has been decided after reading multiple fanfics with talking like this:



First person POV
Aprils POV


"Relax doll" I was back in that dirt, that night, fillies with the sounds of Daryl's moans and Ricks yells.

It all came flooding back, the feeling of him on me, his hands, no amount of soap and water could wash that off.

Now I could feel his hands on me, that man, the 2nd time, maybe I was to caught up in zombies to remember what people can do...

Third person POV
Narrated POV


They got back to the road and that's when April realized.

"Uh guys, Daryl isn't behind us, he's not here"

Rick spun around and stared at the girl.


"He's not here Rick"

"Then we're going back."

"We can't, Glenn's not in the shape and I definitely don't wanna go back there"

"Then you stay with Glenn, Michonne will stay as well, to protect y'all"

"Fine, but get Daryl and get out, that guy, who leads them, he's dangerous"

"Don't worry about us we'll be back"

Just like that they all left.

When they returned it was morning, Her head perked up seeing the group.

She ran towards Daryl and almost hugged him before seeing the man behind him, the same man who beat up Glenn.

Just like on cue Glenn ran towards him, "what the hell is he doing here!"

Rick pulled him back.

"Look Merle is my brother, so we're saving him from that asshole"

April stepped forward and glared at Merle before speaking.

"What's his name?" Referring to the guy who had directed her shirt off.

"Little girl you don't know what you're talking about" The man chuckled and rolled his eyes.

"What's his name."

"People call him the governor"

She ran her hands through her hair and turned around not wanting to face him.

"Hey 'lil red I wasn't done talking"

She turned around and landed a punch on his face, "asshole"

April walked back to the car for a breather.

Eventually they all came over and huddled talking about weather or not Merle could come back with them.

"Rick do you really want him around the baby" The girl said.

"He's not a rapist April!" Daryl said.

"His buddy is" Glenn huffed.

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