016 | Liar

71 3 0

(Still first person POV)

The medicine wasn't helping, my coughs still bloody.

Everything built up at once, I remembered things I never had before.

I was back there, waking down the hall, seeing my mom with the walkers.

That man assaulting me.

Almost died 5 or 6 times.

And now a cold could take me out, I couldn't have that.

So I picked up my knife that was hidden under my pillow.

The blade was cold against my wrists.

The pain stung as I cut them.

Blood stained the sheets, I knew it was wrong.

My eyes shut, I thought I died, then I came back to reality.

Third person POV
Narrated POV

Glenn had been passing by her cell and saw her with the blood around her.


His voice was weak but still managed to get his attention.

"April, she's bleeding and not awake"

The man walked into her cell and checked out the wound.

"There's a knife here, she slit her wrists,
Go get me a clean towel and a bandage"

Glenn went as fast as he could to the supplies.

Hershel patched her up, reconnecting another IV just in case.

"Is she dead?"

"No, her pulse is weak, she should be up soon though, did they bring back any other medication?"

"I could ask but Maggie will get suspicious"

"Alright, you stay with her I have other patients, when she wakes up, yell for me"

He kneeled down next to the girl, putting a hand on her neck, checking to make sure April wouldn't die.

Not long after, she woke up.

Glenn had been sleeping, his head right beside Aprils legs.


"April oh god your awake, don't move a muscle"

Not like she could anyways.

Hershel came in with a smile on his face, "glad to see you up"

"Does Maggie know?"

"I haven't told her, we think it's time you've left the cell block, by we I mean me"


"Look at you, you would've coughed by now"

She knew it was a dumb excuse for 'you tried to kill your self so you gotta go' but she took her knife and left.

Daryl was the first one there.

"I hear your no longer sick"

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