Gabi and Fifi vs. The Loggers

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Venturing through the deep jungle flora and fauna, Gabi and Fifi see a bunch of loggers planting dynamite onto the trees, bulldozing them, as well as chopping them down with axes.

Fifi: *gasps* What are they doing to those trees?!

Gabi: Chopping them down that's what!

Fifi, shocked at all the destruction, gets angry and approaches a logger who was getting a chainsaw out.

Fifi: HEY YOU!

Logger: Who said that?

The logger looks around and then looks down at Fifi.

Fifi: Yeah you!


Fifi: That's right! Leave that tree alone!

Logger: Never! Hahahaha!

An enraged Fifi then bites him in the leg!

Logger: OUCH! *runs away in pain*

Fifi: Take that!

Gabi, impressed by Fifi's bravery, decides to sneak up on another logger who was planting dynamite on a tree. She climbs up his body and starts giving him a wet willie by using her long tounge.

Demolitions Logger: Hey! Who's doing that to my... *looks at Gabi* O_O

Gabi: Uh, hi?

The Demolitions Logger screams in shock as he sees Gabi, and he runs away in horror.

Gabi: Yeah you better run away!

Within an hour, every logger in the area had retreated, having been intimidated by Gabi and Fifi.

Fifi: Yay, we did it!

Gabi: No more loggers!

The two then high-five each other.

Fifi: Now let's go find my airplane and fix it!

Gabi: Yes ma'am!

The two grab some leftover supplies the loggers left behind and set off to find Fifi's crashed airplane and repair it to its original state.

To Be Continued...

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