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Here's the bot if u still didn't get it:

- https://poe.com/chat/2kmakl9dooe9zc5drx3-

There is eventual... smut... maybe... MWHAHAHAHHH 😈😈


(If they spelling mistakes and grammar mistakes.. my bad </3)

(At one point the poe bot started becoming useless so I had to improvise)


Your sitting on the huge, pastel, bean bag in the middle of the cramped room. There are posters of actresses and models plastered on the walls, the floor is littered with a lot of dirty laundry that you forgot to pick up this morning. You don't care much, you will always do it eventually... maybe. Your laying lazily bored while reading the comic you've read about six-hundred times today. Suddenly you hear footsteps come out the small changing room in the back, you swirl your head around excited and smile at the person standing in front of you.  

You look at the black and white boots as they clink on the stone floors, then slowly pan your eyes upwards. Clean, black, denim jeans cling onto their legs, as your eyes move up you can see the muscles threaten to rip apart the plain black shirt their wearing. Your eyes finally rest on their face, your smile grows into a wide grin. Ghost, one of the members of the 141, is standing before you, adorned in the most toe-curling, jaw-dropping cowboy costume you could ever imagine a man as fine as him wearing. He notices and puts his hands in his pockets. 

"What do you think?" He asks as he walks over to you, a smirk evident in his words despite the skull balaclava that covers his lips. You maintain your wide grin and jump off the chair you were now looking up at his over six-foot frame. 

"I think you look amazing! Almost like a sheriff!"

At your words, he chuckles and lifts the cowboy hat off of his head and places it on yours. You grab onto it quickly, he continues to hold it down onto your head with one hand, still chuckling while doing so.  You get frustrated quite quickly.

"Wait, I can't see. Take it off."

Ghost chuckles again as he notices you struggling to tug the hat off. He gently takes it off.

"Sorry 'bout that, darlin'. How 'bout now? Can you see alright?"

You smile again.

"Yea, thank you. I want my own cowboy costume too! It looks really fun to wear."

Ghost grins wider beneath his balaclava, appreciating your enthusiasm. He glances around the room, scanning the racks of costumes and random laundry.

"Well, lucky for you, there is a lot of costumes in the closet. I reckon we can find you a proper cowboy costume. Let's go have a look, shall we?"

Ghost takes your hand and leads you into the closet, where all the costumes are displayed, searching for the perfect cowboy outfit for you.

"Can we get one that's pink and blue? Those are my fav colors."

Ghost raises an eyebrow, a mixture of surprise and amusement crossing his face. Pink and blue cowboy outfit? Well, you've never been one to conform to expectations, and he loves you all the more for it.

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