Chapter XVI: Savior

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As Matthew crossed the threshold of the gate, he was immediately met with a blazing sun beating down onto him.

He now stood within a large rocky canyon. The sides of the walls provided an area of shade from the burning sun.

The air was hot and dry; it nearly immediately caused Matthew's skin to burst into sweat.

Matthew stepped into the shade for any reprieve from the sun's rays as he opened his hand as the Horn of Heaven appeared in his palm.

He blew the horn as a low rumble echoed off the canyon walls. Matthew concentrated on the golden forms of the two angelic figures he had summoned to aid in the dungeon break.

A moment later a pair of golden forms appeared before him. Glistening armor began to wrap around the shining silhouettes.

The two angelic forms now stood before him, both grasping a shining blade in their hands.

The faces of the figures were non-existent, just a simply pane of yellow light. Regardless, Matthew could still feel their attention focused on him.

"Alright so I have a bit of a special task for the two of you," Matthew began.

The figured stood at a attention and bowed their heads, awaiting the instructions.

"Search the area for a child-" Matthew stopped as the two figures tilted their head's slightly, like a curious puppy. "-it's like me but small-" the figures stood at attention once more. "Once you find them do not harm them. Kill any magic beasts around them and any creatures that tries to harm them. Once you find them, notify me and take them back here as quickly, and safely, as you can. Understood?"

The two figures bowed their heads.

"Now go. Quickly."

As soon as the words left Matthew's mouth, the two golden forms shot off in opposite directions.

Matthew saw nothing more then golden streaks of light as the two warriors disappeared from view.

With that, Matthew shot forward in the direction opposite of his two warriors of light.

As Matthew ran, a question crossed over his mind: what rank was the gate?

It was unlikely the gate had been any higher then C-rank, although, if it were any higher it would be trouble.

Matthew had faith in his own combat ability to fend off a few magic beasts, he could assume that the child he was looking for did not.

Matthew ran through the expanses of boulders and canyon-paths until his he heard something. It was simply the clatter of rocks at first. Then it got louder and more violent.

Just as Matthew turned towards the sound, he was met with a large rock, nearly half his size, hurling towards him.

He quickly held up the pole of his spear to brace against the boulder as its weight slammed into him.

The golden pendant around his neck began to glow as the rock impacted him. It felt as if the force of the blow had been partially dispersed, although not enough for Matthew to not be sent tumbling backwards.

[HP: 245/245 > 230/245]

Matthew quickly reoriented himself and glared where the rock had came from. It was then that he saw three scaled figures emerging from a ledge on the side of the canyon walls.

They were humanoid creatures with brown and black scales instead of skin. Their bodies were well built and muscular, looking like a human body builder.

Each wielded clubs mainly made of stone, although the lizard man in the center wore a skull for a helm and bones of various creatures for armor.

Monarchs of Above and Below (On Hiatus)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora