Chapter XXVI: Monarch of Witchcraft (3)

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[The effects of the 'Witch Wood' has amplified]

[All stats temporarily reduced by 2]

[Maximum HP reduced to 240]

[Maximum MP reduced to 96]


[Faith has been excluded from this hex]


Matthew tossed the screen aside as he shot towards the wooden shell. He grabbed the spear from the ground and raised it to the exposed form of Susain as she glared up at him.

Susain's dull green eyes met the wrathful gold of Matthew's as she thrust a hand out towards the hunter.

Several sharp tendrils burst from her palm.

Matthew began to follow through on his attack, not bothering with the sharp spindles of wood aiming for his neck and chest.

However suddenly heavy figure pushed him aside and raised a shield to block the tendrils, many of them breaking on his armor, which now glowed a dull red.

"I had her!" Matthew shouted at Berret. The spearman's jaw was clenched so hard it felt like his teeth may fracture.

"She had you!" The tanker shouted back as he raised his hammer.

The hole in the wooden shell mended itself as the head of Berret's hammer slammed against it. A web of cracks rippled across the wood.

He began to raise his hammer for another swing when the large roots that had impaled the trees began to retract, uprooting the trees they had latched onto.

Berret turned and held up his shield- a futile attempt to stand against an entire tree flying towards him.

Suddenly, a blue blur struck his side, pushing out of the way as the tree collided with the wooden shell.

Berret fell alongside Matthew, followed shortly by Sanri as the blur skidded to a halt.

Valine and Audri, too, regrouped with the squad.

Tyler quickly appeared behind them all after a moment.

Audri's eyes were glassy as she stole a glance at Cereiana. "Did... did that just happen?" No one could look her in the eyes.

Matthew's vision fell on his warrior of light; standing idly by, awaiting any orders. His jaw tightened. It just stood there? While people were dying? While his friends were dying.

Matthew whispered a command to the warrior. One he wasn't even sure it could hear.

Bring her back.

In an instant, the warrior dashed forward. Not toward the corpse of their former ally. But towards Matthew himself.

Berret instinctively moved ahead and raised his shield at the warrior, before it stopped in front of him.

The warrior's eyeless face glared directly at Matthew, unmoving.

"Bring her back!"

The warrior still glared at Matthew before a gentle chime rang in his heard. A voice broke through.

'That power is beyond an angel warrior like myself. No being of my kind short of a Seraphim could accomplish such feats. But let not your anger guide you yet. In time you will grow stronger to achieve things far beyond the revitalization of a fallen ally.'

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