(lil extra) all the "players" lmao

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there are many characters just called "player" so I'm gonna make up new names for them here lol

We'll call Player from Go to the bathroom "Jeremy" cuz why not.

Player from Late to school is "Casey" cuz that name sounds cool and it's also the name of a tally hall member (i think Casey was a member-?) And also their sibling is gonna be named Bora (definitely not another th reference)

Player from buy food to feed your cat is "Kyle" (OMG SOUTH PARK REFERENCE)

Player from Get a snack at 4AM will be called "Sam"

Player from Get a drink at 3AM is "Max"

Player from go to the bathroom AT NIGHT is "Sillimon" in this story

If there are any other "Players" from any other games I'll edit this and add it to the list lol

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