Twenty Four

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so i'm going to start dedicating the chapters bc you guys mean the world to me and are the reason that i keep writing so yes, i love you and i recognize you and value your opinion/comments/reviews and messages and aw i'm such a sap okay so i'm dedicating this chapter to both readeritas bc she's just great and awesome and is always commenting and messaging me and encouraging me and being honest!!

TRIGGER WARNING: okay so i need to tell you that there is mention of rape in this chapter and if that is triggering for you please be warned and you can definitely private message me and i can give you a little overview of what happened in the chapter but also i will put little asterisks (***) when the triggering talk begins and then when it ends so you can read without being triggered because it is only one small part !! ps if i ever say/write anything triggering please let me know and i will continue this trend bc the last thing i want to do is offend and/or trigger people without at least a proper warning that it will be in this story. but just to let you know, the second half of this book is going to be nothing but triggers because of belle and how things have been with her family and whatnot. just to let you know!!


3:48 p.m.

[still super lazy with dates but know this is the afternoon after she convinces him to let her see him at the gym]

Belle can't believe he's actually letting her in. His arm is around her waist and her blood pressure is through the roof, and she can't believe it. She lets out a little giggle and looks up at him as he walks her to the door, "Do I need like an ID or something?"

Luke shakes his head, "No, Sunshine, it's not that kind of gym."

They stop at the front door and she looks over at him. The building is made of brick, a small sign out front that reads 'Joe's Gym', and the grass looks like it hasn't been cut in ages. It does look dingy, as Luke described it, but Belle's rose-colored glasses help her to see the beauty of the place despite the ugliness.

"I'm so excited," she smiles, turning her attention back to him. Luke rolls his eyes, "I can't see why, you weirdo. It's dirty and it smells bad."

She shrugs, "But I get to be with you."

Her voice is so innocent that it makes a tremor of strangled noise disrupt Luke's throat. Belle watches as his neck bobs and she leans into him, her hand over his pectoral, "C'mon, then, let's go!" He nods, shaking himself from thought, and opens the door for the both of them.

The place smells like socks. Not clean socks, either. They walk together to the front desk, Belle's nose scrunched up at the scent. She rubs at her nose until she gets used to the smell, and then she watches as Luke leans against the desk counter.

"Hey Luke," a fit blonde in tight active wear smiles at Luke as if they were friends, and it sends a jolt of jealousy down Belle's spine. It bleeds into her belly as Luke grins back at the girl, nodding to her, "Hey Julie." She resists a frown as Julie's smile increases to stretch to her eyes, "Here for training?"

Luke nods and Julie hands him a towel that he proceeds to sling over his shoulder. He flashes her one last smile that Belle is sure could make anyone's heart melt, and he gives her a two-fingered wave before pushing Belle in the direction of the main equipment. She notices as Luke walks away that Julie is staring at him with her lip in the bite of her teeth and Belle wants to walk behind him covering him as best as possible so there's nothing to look at, but she figures that might be a bit too weird.

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