chapter 4

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Kokabiel sits in the galaxy, ever since he actually made it to be, it's been one of his favourite spots to visit. "I wonder if the others know more about her plan than me?" Kokabiel thinks to herself, on some of her downtime. Kokabiel fiddles with their fingers in each hand, hoping that God will tell him more soon. I mean she must soon, they are a Archangel, a very powerful one at that. "I could ask someone about it?" he thinks, looking over to where Aziraphale had pointed to where Earth was going to be. That was one of her favourites of the infinite void of their creation, and was sad that it was about to get blocked by a giant planet he didn't even care about. "I mean, she has to have a plan." Kokabiel thinks, now sort of annoyed. "I don't think I should ask Gabriel or Michael, they would just laugh." Kokabiel looks to another part of the galaxy, to be certain the horsehead nebula. "Saraquel may know, and they're nice to me too." Kokabiel smiles.Kokabiel realises while looking at the horsehead nebula, it doesn't look right, they didn't use the right type of gas for it. "I have to fix that." They speak loudly to themselves, annoyed.

"Saraqael!" Kokabiel calls out into heaven's main office from an empty door space that switches immediately into stars. Another light flies towards Kokabiel, suddenly turning into Saraqael. "Can I get your help on something?" Kokabiel asks. "Of course, what is it?" They ask back. "We need to work on the horsehead nebula, we used the wrong materials." Kokabile explains. "Of course, why don't we go now?" Saraqael agrees.

After a little while of remaking the nebula, Kokabiel asks Saraqael "Did the Almighty, you know, ever tell you anything, of the, err, plan?" They speak from the darkness of silence. "What do you mean by that?" Saraqael asks back. "You know, the great plan, for earth or whatever it's called." Kokabiel puts her arms down, annoyed at themselves for forgetting how to speak for a second . "I know about the time limit if that's what you're asking about." They joke. "Yeah." Kokabiel seems cold with their tone, telling Saraqael that they are benign serious. "Well, if you're asking me about how I feel about it, I don't think it's enough time." Saraqael now looks over to the angel on their right. "Thank you, I felt like I was the only one." Kokabiel brings his head up, looking over to them. "I mean, how hard is it to let them have a little more time! 6000 years isn't nearly enough!" Kokabiel suddenly spews out. "You're right, they should have more time, but we can't complain to her, I mean she is the Almighty." Saraqael tries to warn them. "But, if I was the almighty, I would want some feedback from my workers." Kokabiel complains, now quieter, as to not call over any other angels, as they would usually come over when they heard yelling. "Listen, if you really want to do something about it, I heard Lucifer is starting something, we could talk with them soon." Saraqael whispers over. "That sounds good, we should ask them about some things." Kokabiel smiles, happy, someone may actually be doing something about this, like they should. "Don't worry kokabiel, I won't tell anyone about what we've talked about, just between us." Saraqael smiles. "I mean, it's not just Lucifer and me who have the same ideas, it's a lot of us. Maybe when you see Lucifer, they could tell you about a meeting we are having." Saraqael adds. 

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