Hana and Tokki!

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One stormy night in Hana Songs room, AKA D.Va, she felt frustrated. "I'm so tired of fighting!!! I don't have time do to what I love! I of course want to protect my home from these horrible monsters...but I also wanna game! Ugh....I'll just think about this tomorrow. I'm way too sleepy.....and it's bad to sleep late anyways considering what I do." Hana said.

She got into her blanket covers, found a comfortable position for her to sleep in, and drifted off to sleep. But when she had finally knocked out, she ended up somewhere.....strange. It looked like a field with only green grass with Roses, Daisy's, Lilys, and much much more. She tried to look for someone or something amidst this field, but something that she found was a familiar face instead. her......Tokki?

"My Tokki? What Is it doing here? What am I doing here?! If this is a dream, it sure feels real....but a dream wouldn't feel real, right?" Hana said. Suddenly, Hana heard a voice. Where was it coming from? She thought. Quickly, she looked at her Tokki. "Tokki....did you just talk..?" "Yes Hana, I did!!!" Tokki said. "W-W-WHAT?!?!"

Hana was shocked. Not in forever did Tokki get an ability to talk. What was this? "Please don't worry Hana....come sit next to me, please?" Hana had calmed down after being in total shock and just sat down to cooperate next to her Tokki. "Hana, I understand how you feel. You've battled for so long and just want a break. I understand anyways, I've been with you since your fighting began!" Tokki said. "Y-Yeah...." Hana responded back. "Lets say what Hana...Why don't I do something to help?" "But what could you do Tokki? It's not like you could possibly make arrangements to yourself..." "you'll see Hana! It'll be great, don't worry!" Tokki said. "..What?" 

Suddenly, Hana had woken up from her slumber. "Augh......I had the strangest dream.". Hana had gotten up from her bed, went to brush her teeth, have some breakfast, and went back to her room to play her video games for 2 hours.

"Holy! It's already 10:00! I don't feel like gaming anymore for now...so I'll check up on how my Tokki is doing!" Hana then got out of her room and made her way to see Tokki, but when she did, she found something......strangely different about it.

"T-Tokki?!" Hana said. It seems Tokki had new and improved guns!! There was also a note on Tokkis side that said..."Dear Hana, do you like what I did? Suprise!! These guns can eliminate enemies in seconds!! It'll be way faster to end your battles. I hope it helps. Happy birthday Hana Ü." Hana was shocked. "Tokki......It's not even my birthday....but, thank you?" Hana said.

The end :]

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