✪Don't Look Back, No Don't

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"So the Langley Director gave me all the information we need about this place. A building shaped and named after the whiskey and look! Their uniform is cowboy hats and belts. I am with my people again!"

"Kurt you're from Edmond. The last time you were near a horse you fainted."

"I still like the hats..."

"Lay off 'em Devlin."

Jimmy took the open folder from Kurt's hands and looked through the information of the organization.

A hidden Secret Service agency called Statesman. Named after the whiskey and found in the heart of Kentucky. An organization much like the CIA yet not as known by the public. In fact, this was the first time the boys have ever heard of the agency. All except for Hanegan of course.

"Oh cool check this out! They all got these nicknames named after liquors an' junk. Gee I wish had nicknames. We just have t'go by our surnames."

"Aw, but ya do got a nickname McDumbass."

Shawn snatched the folder out of Jimmy's hands and gave it back to Kurt. Then the three continued down the sidewalk until they made it to the building.

Stopping in front of it, they each looked up in awe by the odd shape of the architecture.

"Damn, they weren't kiddin'."

After staring for just a few more seconds they finally decided to head into through the back entrance like they were told.

"Look at all those barrels!"

"Kurt, shh. We gotta find Hanegan."

The boys each looked around until Kurt discovered that in the midst of it all there was an elevator. Riding it up once it opened they exited it quickly and soon was able to find the sight of Hanegan. As well as a strange room that looked rather different than the rest of the building.

Upon entering Shawn felt his hat being taken off of his head.


Moving his eyes up he felt another hat being plopped onto his head. Raising a brow in confusion he reached up and took off the hat. Seeing that they replaced his homburg hat with a cowboy hat. Eyeing the thing in confusion a moment before he heard his name being called out. Reaching over he plopped the cowboy hat onto Kurt's head and moved forward.

"I'm Wexler. Guessin' ya got somethin' for me yeah?"

"That's some accent ya got there kid."

"Look who's talkin'."

Once again Shawn was handed a folder and he looked through it right there. Examining the contents and by his surprise, it wasn't anything that looked too crazy. Unlike in Virginia.

All it really read was what the Statesman did and how they helped out on missions. Picking up the slack that was missed from the CIA and help carry the weight throughout keeping everyone in the free world safe. They seemed like a respectable agency that really knew what they were doing. If only Shawn knew about them sooner. Although after learning about what they were planning Shawn wanted to wait it out and see if there could be a way to prevent it somehow. His job wasn't taken seriously at all but the least he could do is try. That or maybe find a way to transfer to the Langley base and try to speak with McClain again about the whole thing.

For the duration of their stay at the Statesman, the boys learned a lot more about how they operated. Seeing how things were different and how they were the same from the CIA. They didn't seem as harsh or hardcore, then again they were a smaller organization. Despite that, they really took things seriously and every job there was important. One thing that really caught Shawn's attention wad that there were more women there. They were working alongside the men and there even seemed to be a couple of woman agents. That was surely something Shawn respected. The Statesman really looked like they were heading in the right direction and that was something Shawn and the other could really get behind.

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