chapter 2: the beginning of the journey and the rise of the gildedknight

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Crow: argghh my head what happened?

He amideatly remember everything in clouding his secrapis

Crow: oh I remember

He try to get up but only slitly but his engeray he can only move slitly but he is slowed down a bit

Crow: gah that hurts but I need to get to shelter before my wounds get infected

He also took off his broken helmet and mechanical arm and walked away from them almost like him leave his past

Crow: it's time for me to leave this behind me forever

he keeps on walking and he finds a place he thought he won't see again

Crow: wait this place it can't be

He want in side and find a set of armor and find a Anechant pone with the jaidstar on it piler

Crow: this place it still stands till now maybe if I........

He stretch his stob of an arm to the pone and it started to glow and his stob of an arm as well hi feeltha pure and ather pain as he grow a new arm made of the jadestar itself and his eyes turn a glowing tercuais green color

He stretch his stob of an arm to the pone and it started to glow and his stob of an arm as well hi feeltha pure and ather pain as he grow a new arm made of the jadestar itself and his eyes turn a glowing tercuais green color

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(A.n: like this but imagine it's was green tercuais as type of thing and starry asked)

Crow: aghh it hurts but now I have a arm again but it looks to monsterus
For my taste so maybe I can make something

He looks at the armor and picked up the helmet and he also sees a workstation as well

Crow: well time to work on this then

And so he did he upgraded the armor with some tools like a drill,a folding shield,and a jetpack he also make the helmet mask a bile to two sappereat it allowing him to eat without giving his identity away and make the gauntlet on his monster arm a special shill to make it look normal he put on the armor except for the helmet

Crow: already then with that done what should I where to make this armor completed

He was thinking until he saw a red looking fiber from his old suit and saw a red scarf

Crow: this is.....

Flashback: To a past 'kidnapped' mayapple event

Mayapple: hey crowy~~~💕

Crow: hey princey~~~💕

Mayapple: I want to give you something...

Crow: alright what is it that?

Mayapple: close your eyes first~

Crow: okay?

He did as told and he wait for a bit until

Mayapple: you can open them now

Crow: okay?

As he opened his eyes he sees a red scarf around his neck with marking on it a knight on one and the other a princess with the enichials of c.g.k on it

Crow: princey did you---

Mayapple: make it myself yes yes I did it's a gift from me to you because I love you so much

He hugs her tightly

Crow: thank you princey thank you so much for this gift your the best

She hugs back

Mayapple: I know I know......anyways

She separate from the hug and asked

Mayapple: how long will it take mech to come here and 'saves' me this time?

Crow: probably faster or slower than last time

Mayapple: yeah probably hey crow...

Crow: yeah?

Mayapple: I love you

Crow: love you too princey love you too

Flashback ends

Crow:(chukel) you were always be by my side my beloved

He put on the scarf on then the helmet as he does his eye glow under the helmet he pick up the sword and test it out

Crow: already then let's see what this sword can do...

He swings the sword around getting a feel for it and see the sword whenever it's been swings it's takes the etrabiuts of liquid but when it's not being swings around it's stay solid he even touch the swords blaid to make sure it metal and it is

Crow: interesting very interesting when I swing it it's like liquid but when I'm not it's looks like a regular sword and it's indeed made of metal that's for sure

After testing the sword out he finds a bruche he pick it up and put it on his back because it Sims useful

Crow: alright then now what should I call me self....

He thinks on what should he be called until....

Crow: I know I'll be called the gilded knight

As he does he spotted something in the corner of his eye and saw a multiverseall chipped he begin to add it to he's armor allowing him to go to alternative universe

Crow: (signs) sorry my love but I need to get stronger to protect you and others from any treats don't worry I'll be back someday

He opened a portal and walked into it it closed behind him

And with that we end this chapter of our story from now.....

a Classic villain and a princess love story But With A Twist In The Story Where stories live. Discover now