Island 3: Shipwrecked

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"We're stranded in the middle of the sea with only half rations of food and water. We might be able to stretch them to three weeks at most," John reported to Captain Redbeard. "We'd better turn back before the typhoon gets any worse."

"Maybe you'd like to inform the rest of the crew that we're abandoning our mission in search of habitable land," began the Captain, "The last few cities that we docked at were desolate and devoid of people. Technology has advanced in each of these cities, but it has become impossible in each of these places to grow crops due to the infertile soil."

Sarah's diary log entry: "September 18th. It has been two days since this typhoon began. There seems to be no end in sight. Speaking of the typhoon, I've been in a tempest of my own. First, I was forced to lead another greedy pirate crew to the 'pool of gold' where they met their demise at their own greedy hands. Luckily, Captain Redbeard arrived the same day and rescued me. A week later, a wicked genie sent me back in time to the French Revolution. Somehow, I managed to return to the ship."

The ship swayed from side to side, growing more fierce with each sway. At any moment, the waves could take the ship apart and pull it below the water. Life had to continue as usual if they were to navigate past the horrifying typhoon.

Sarah's diary log entry: "September 19th. The waves haven't seemed to calm down a bit. Instead, they tower over the ship, turning the upper deck into a pool of water. A few times, I have nearly seen the ship go under the water, fearing for my very existence. None of the other crew members, including the Captain, seem to be bothered by the tempest. They must have seen many in their lives to be this calm. The Captain has given me the name 'Hawkeye' since I've taken on the position of 'lookout' among the crew. The name has now become my middle name."

As Sarah finished her diary entry in her cabin, a sudden crashing sound echoed through the ship. Within seconds, she found herself submerged in water. Strong hands grabbed her shoulders and hauled her aboard another vessel. As she opened her eyes, she saw the rest of the crew, along with the Captain and his parrot, beside her. They were now on a different ship, unmistakably a pirate ship, judging from the flag flying on the main mast.

"Ahoy matey, we spotted your ship sinking and decided to check for any survivors," said a young man.

"Where are we?" Captain Redbeard asked, still dazed.

"We are in the Grey Sea," responded the young man.

"The what Sea?" asked the Captain.

"Grey, surely a crew with a ship like yours must know of the Grey Sea," the young man said with a puzzled expression.

"Never," replied the Captain as he shook his head, "Pirates are you?"

"Descendants of pirates, though we are more of an explorer than a pirate," responded the young man, "We don't fear anyone nor does anyone fear us. Everyone around this sea and land are descendants of pirates. Piracy is in our blood. Captain Earl is the name."

"Earl, thanks for the rescue," said Redbeard. "Call me Redbeard. I'm the Captain of this crew. Ralph over there is my first mate, beside him is John, the master gunner. The young lad, Peter, is the cabin boy. The young lady is Sarah, and Sandy the parrot."

They all gestured to Captain Earl one by one as they were introduced. Each of them were grateful to be rescued and not taken as prisoners aboard the ship. The vessel was as magnificent as their own, which now, unfortunately, lay at the bottom of the sea. How they missed 'Harbinger', their home and sanctuary on the open water.

"If you want, me and my crew can take you to the safety of land," said Earl, "I'm guessing that's what you all want. If any of you want, you can remain on 'Pearl'."

Sarah was wearing her cross-body handbag. She checked her waistcoat pocket, finding her cherished diary and a pen inside. She'd have to let the diary's pages dry before writing in it again.

Peter, who was laying beside Sarah, was looking at the bright afternoon sky all confused. He didn't speak much and no one quite knew why he had joined the crew in the first place. They just assumed that he was seeking the pleasure of adventure.

"I would like to go home," Peter said.

"And where is home, my dear boy?" asked Earl.

"Sapphire Island," proclaimed Peter.

The crew looked at Peter and then glanced at each other. Sapphire Island? There was no such place in their world. Had they misheard the boy? Maybe the poor lad had lost his mind from drowning in the sea after the shipwreck.

"Set a course for Sapphire Island!" shouted Captain Earl to one of his crew.

"It's a real place?" questioned Ralph.

"Of course, why wouldn't it be?" responded Earl, "We will be there in a week and a half. Enjoy the journey, all of you."

The five of them started to get up. The floor beneath their feet had been polished so well that their reflections could be seen in it.

"Why didn't you tell us the truth about where you were from?" Redbeard asked Peter.

"Would you have believed me?" Peter inquired.

Redbeard contemplated for a moment and replied, "Never in a million years."

"Just what I thought," said Peter, "I'm also a descendant of pirates. We will encounter many pirates on our journey to the island."

As the five of them gazed across the sea, they spotted pirate ships sailing the vast waters. They were taken aback by the realisation that a world dominated by pirates like this existed. Redbeard's face lit up, a smile forming across his face. He was in haven.

1 citrus fruit bought from Port Market for the cure for scurvy is being used.

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