Island 4: Onboard

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It had been three days since Captain Redbeard and his crew were rescued from the shipwreck. Among Captain Earl's crew aboard the Pearl, Ralph became the second mate instead of first mate, John returned to his previous position as the gunner, Peter continued as the cabin boy, and Sarah remained the lookout.

On board, all eyes were fixed in anticipation as two swords clashed against each other. The sound of metal striking metal echoed through the air as the swords continued their relentless exchange, each strike executed with precision until both blades finally met horizontally against the chests of their opponents.

"Looks like we have a tie," remarked a crewman. "Back to work, everyone."

"You have great skills," Captain Earl praised.

"Thanks," replied Peter. "I enjoyed the duel."

"A quick announcement, I don't want to catch anyone like last night stealing rations again," announced Captain Earl. "Food and water are both being rationed."

Peter never thought that water rationing would also be applied for the sick crew. The rationing was getting out of control.

Sarah sat against the side of the ship, rummaging through her cross-body handbag, which had an extension charm allowing it to carry a large volume of items. She checked to make sure all her belongings were accounted for. Everything was there, especially her portion of the gold treasure from the 'pool of gold'. Sarah then pulled her diary from her waistcoat pocket and dropped it into the bag.

Peter began singing a lullaby as he leaned over the side of the ship.

"My darling, my little adventurer,
Adventure calls to you, so be brave and bold,
But if you get lost as you sail the dark sea,
Seek the evening star, your guiding light.

My love is bright as evening star,
I'll be waiting for you, no matter how far,
Waiting 'til the world's end, my heart won't adjourn,
Until you return safely from beyond the horizon."

"That's a lovely lullaby," said Sarah as she approached Peter. "Where is it from?"

"My mother used to sing it to me when I was younger," replied Peter.

"Peter, do you think if we keep sailing to the end of the world, we will just tip off the edge?" questioned Sarah.

"We are a long way from there, Sarah," responded Peter. "If you happen to see a siren, don't forget to protect your ears. The last thing you want is to fall into a trance."

"Captain Redbeard looks upset and lonely. He's been like that the last few days," said Sarah as she glanced at Redbeard, who was at the stern of the ship. "Someone should give him some company."

"Don't worry, I'll take care of it," said Peter.

Peter went up to Redbeard and stood by his side, looking out into the sea.

"When I was a young boy, I dreamed of becoming a sailor. I would have my own ship and command the crew. As I grew older, I joined the navy with high hopes of becoming a captain. I excelled in my training, expecting to lead my own ship. However, they chose someone else, someone of lower quality, and told me I wasn't fit for the navy. Disheartened, I came across a magnificent ship one day and asked the captain if I could join his crew. He welcomed me aboard enthusiastically. Drawing from my training, I worked diligently, impressing Captain James. He told me that when he could no longer sail, he would pass the ship on to me. Over time, he taught me everything he knew. Captain James was a pirate, but not your typical one. He didn't steal treasures for himself; he believed the wealthy had unfairly gained their riches at the expense of the commoners. He aimed to give back to the people what was rightfully theirs. He passed on this legacy to me, urging me to continue his mission. Eventually, he decided to leave the ship and entrusted it to me. I promised to carry on his work, which I did until the shipwreck," recounted Captain Redbeard.

Redbeard let out a long sigh and stared out at the sea.

Sandy, his parrot, squawked, "Redbeard is sad. Sandy says, 'Be happy'."

"Harbinger was originally Captain James' ship?" asked Peter.

"It was. You should've seen it in its golden days," sobbed Redbeard.

"The crew is the most important part of the ship. The ship is nothing without a good crew," said Peter. "We are lucky to be alive. You were the one carrying Captain James' legacy, not the ship."

"You are wise, Peter. I've taught you well," said Redbeard. "I don't know how I'll manage without my ship or you, Peter, when you go back home to Sapphire Island."

"You'll find a way to get another ship and return to your world," replied Peter.

"Do remember to tell me how you came to my world," reminded Redbeard.

"Don't worry," responded Peter.

"I wish I could have taught you more," said Redbeard.

"You've taught me everything there is to know," responded Peter. "I will always remember your teaching."

Ralph, John, and Sarah, all of whom had been listening from behind, approached Redbeard. They gathered around him and looked out into the sea.

"We can use the gold treasures we collected from the pool of gold to buy a new ship," said Sarah.

"It's all at the bottom of the sea," sobbed Redbeard.

"Not all, I still have my portion," explained Sarah.

"Impossible," said Redbeard.

"You see this bag," said Sarah, showing her cross-body handbag, "It has an extension charm, which allows it to hold a large volume of items. My portion of the treasure is in the bag."

"I don't know what I would do without any of you," said Redbeard.

The five of them stood side by side and looked across the horizon. When all hope had faded away, a glimmer of hope had returned. With Sarah's portion of gold, they would buy themselves a ship and return one day to their world.

1 set of cotton balls bought from Port Market to remove siren's curse is being used.

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