Chapter 5: More Ceremonies

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Grousekit's pelt tingled with excitement. Today was her apprentice ceremony. She and her litter-mates were finally six. Sadness welled in her heart as she remembered that Amberbeetle wasn't here. She was never there for us, Grousekit thought bitterly.

Hailkit was apprenticed first, by Brickstar, looking uncertain and anxious as usual, but an unusual bloodthirsty gleam glowed in his eyes. Grousekit felt proud of her brother. Next it was Grousekit's turn. Who was his mentor going to be? She'd hoped his mentor would have been Amberbeetle, but sadness swelled her heart as he remembered she was dead. She didn't really know any of the warriors well, so she didn't really have any hopes for his mentor. "Grousepaw mentor will be Sweetpool," mewed Brickstar, gazing down at the apprentice.

Grousepaw felt disappointed. Sweetpool had only been made warrior last moon, meaning he wouldn't be able to train her that well. Grousepaw wanted to be the best warrior she could be! They touched noses, and sat besides each other. Grousepaw smiled up at the stars. They seemed to shine brighter that usually, and Grousepaw knew it was a sign her mother was watching over her.

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