53 - Kayla and Cliff (Part 2)

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The main course of the meal was followed by speechifying. The club's president, Judge Cox, thanked the members for their support during the past year and included a discussion of the club's budget complete with a boring power point presentation as to why they would need to increase membership dues.

Since Cliff and Kayla weren't in the main dining room, they couldn't see him, but they heard the speech over the sound system.

Kayla sighed. "I'm not sure the free meal is worth it having to listen to these dull orations."

"It's not so bad when one is with pleasant company."

She giggled. "If I didn't know any better, I'd say you just flirted with me."

He shrugged. "Since when is being truthful the same as flirting?"

"I think a statement such as the one you just made can be both truthful and flirty."

"It was truthful."

She batted her eyelashes. "And flirty?"

This girl. "I'll allow you to decide."

Soon afterward, they heard the senator begin to speak. Kayla groaned.

Cliff chuckled. "Did you know this was going to happen?"

"Yeah, I begged him to keep it short."

"Will he?"


Fifteen minutes later, after the senator hinted at his intention to run for president and made a not-so-subtle request for campaign contributions, he ended his speech to polite, but not overly enthusiastic applause.

The server brought dessert, a tasty crème brulé. Both declined coffee, and Cliff remembered his manners. "Would you like me to go to the bar and get you something to drink?"

"That's a good idea. While you're at it, check on the band."

It presented Cliff with an opportunity to hunt for Hannah. He ordered the pineapple margarita Kayla requested along with a beer for himself. While the bartender prepared the drinks, Cliff's head was on a swivel, looking everywhere, but Hannah was nowhere to be seen.

He wondered if she was avoiding him. It was also possible she was giving him and Kayla space to avoid an awkward encounter. Feeling disappointed, he really wanted to see her. He didn't want to wait until Monday when Hannah promised she would take his call.

"Thank you," Kayla said after Cliff returned to the table. She sipped her margarita. "What about the band?"

"The horn player is on stage making some sort of adjustment. They'll be starting soon. Do you want to move to an inside table?"

Kayla made a face as if she smelled something rotten. "I really don't want to watch all those old people make fools of themselves. Baby Boomers trying to relive their past glory. Last year, a lady threw out her hip while dancing the Peppermint Twist."

Cliff had no idea what the Peppermint Twist was. "Yeah, the older crowd has some crazy dances. I hope they don't do the Limbo Rock."

Kayla giggled. "You think the Limbo is bad? The absolute worst of them all is the Hokey Pokey. I wouldn't be caught dead getting in that circle."

The band began to play. The first songs were lively tunes giving Cliff and Kayla a chance to finish their drinks. When the band finally struck up a slow number, Cliff stood and offered Kayla his hand.

She took it and allowed him to lead her inside. Cliff couldn't help noticing how Madison, Kayla's minder, followed at a discreet distance.

The inside air was warmer and humid with a faint scent of body odor. On the dance floor, Cliff rested a hand around her back. She rested hers on his shoulder and looked him in the eye. "Thank you for this," she said.

Halfway through the song, Kayla pulled him close and rested her head against his chest. Her hair smelled nice, like lilacs.

She asked, "Cliff, what am I going to do?"

"You mean if your father runs for president?"

"What if the worst happens and he actually wins?"

"You're thinking too far ahead. He might not win. He might not even capture the party nomination."

She lifted her head and looked him in the eye. "If he does, will you come and visit me in the White House?"

Probably not. "Sure. I know Izzy will too. Look, Kayla, you have friends, people who care about you. It's not as if everyone is going to suddenly abandon you."

"I'm afraid I'll be lonely."

"You won't. I promise." They both knew it was a hollow promise.

She wrapped both arms around his neck and looked at him with pleading eyes. "Cliff, can I talk you into doing me another favor?"

What did she want now? "Maybe."

"Neither of us want to be here. Can you drive me home?"

"Will your parents and protectors agree to that?"

"I've put in my appearance with Daddy and fulfilled my obligation. Your entire family has been cleared, so my minders shouldn't have an issue, but Madison will follow us in her car."

He could drop her off and then return to maybe find Hannah. "If nobody has a problem, I'll drive you home."

She held eye contact and flashed a smile. "Or, you could take me to your place."

With their bodies pressed together and the way she smelled, he had trouble fighting off arousal. He admitted to himself that her offer was powerfully tempting. But... "Kayla, as pleasant as that would be, it really isn't a good idea ."

She sighed, "I know, I know, you want to keep me friend zoned. Your sister made that point abundantly clear. It's just...isn't there any way you could see us making it work?"

"It doesn't bother you that I'm thirty years old?"

"I don't care."

"Also, there's someone else I'm interested in."

The song ended. Kayla removed her arms from around his neck. "Izzy told me you were on the outs with the lady you were seeing."

"I suppose that's still a possibility. I hope not."

"Hope," she muttered. "Hope often leads to disappointment."

Kayla is persistent, isn't she?

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Kayla is persistent, isn't she?

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