Chapter 1 | Enter Nobuko Sasaki

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文豪ストレイドッグス佐々城 信子

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佐々城 信子

<•>•<•>•<•>•<•> Recap <•>•<•>•<•>•<•>

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<•>•<•>•<•>•<•> Recap <•>•<•>•<•>•<•>

"Have you chosen a name?" A gentle male voice questions. "Nobuko, Nobuko Sasaki." "That sounds familiar" A memory of an anime flashes through my mind as I drift off, too tired to make sense of the situation I'm in.

'Bungo Stray Dogs'

<•>•<•>•<•>•<•> Flashback <•>•<•>•<•>•<•>

I yawn, rolling over and snoozing my alarm. 'Five more minutes' I think, drifting off again. "Ring! Ring! Ring! Ring! Ri-" I groan, opening my eyes long enough to answer my phone, not bothering to look at the name.

There's only one bastard who would dare wake me up on a Saturday morning. "What." I say grumpily, more demand then question. I'm half asleep already. "Where the hell are you?!?" I blink, startled at her loud voice.

"What do you mean? I'm at my house?" I ask in confusion. 'Were we hanging out today?' "You're skipping?" "Skipping what" You know when you wake up and nothing makes sense? That's how I'm feeling right now.

"Class, you dumbass!" I freeze. "There's no class today, it's Saturday." I reply in a pleading tone, praying to the gods of anime. "That would be true if it wasn't Friday." She responds dryly.

"What?!?" I shriek, sitting up abruptly. I scramble, grabbing my phone to glance at the time as I rush out of bed and to the bathroom. I groan, it's 8:12, class starts in 3 minutes.

"I'm going to be late, maybe I should just call in sick." I mumble. She hears. "Huh, no way. You're not leaving me to sit by myself during lunch!" 'Stupid logic' "Can I at least skip first period?" I plead. "Nope, not happening. We both know you'll just fall asleep again."

I curse at how well she knows me under my breath, as I start getting ready. "Why are you late anyways? Didn't you set your alarm?" She questions. "Yeah, just stayed up to late last night." "Doing what, homework or watching anime?"

I can hear the smirk in her voice. "Hey anime is amazing." I defend. "That's debatable. Shit, class is starting I got to go." "Kay, bye." She pauses. "You better be here, I know where you live." She jokes.

I roll my eyes. "Hailey we've been friends since middle school. I'd be more surprised if you didn't know where I lived by now." "But I have bad memory, so shouldn't you be even more surprised I remember where you live?"

I grin at that. "You only have bad memory when it comes to doing your homework, or remembering when there's a test next period." " comment." She memes. "Also didn't you say class was starting?"

"AH WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME I FORGOT?!? IM LATE, BYE!" She shouts as the call disconnects. I finish getting ready and eat some cereal before I leave, deciding if I'm going to be late I might as well eat breakfast.

I grab my bag and keys and head out, locking the door. My college is relatively close so I normally walk. I'm majoring in psychology and minoring in creative writing. My parents would have preferred if I decided to become a doctor or someone else with a well paying job, but they're still supporting my decision to become a psychologist.

Overall, I think I have a pretty good life. So of course, I decide to fuck everything up in the worst possible way, and make the worst mistake of my existence (this one at least) and grab a coffee on my way.

I wait for a red light before crossing the road. I hear tires. "SCREECH!" I look to the road in surprise to see a FedEx truck barreling towards me. It had swerved from it lane to avoid a kid.

'What the fuck is a child doing on the road? Don't tell me we've got another Dazai' I think, as the driver slams on the breaks, too late. 'Shit, I'm going to die' I think right before the truck hits me.

<•>•<•>•<•>•<•> Flashback Ends <•>•<•>•<•>•<•>

In the past 24 hours I'd realized several things:

1. I wasn't dead.
Somehow I had been reborn after getting Truck-kuned.

2. The name Nobuko Sasaki sounded familiar.
After a hour or so of wondering why, I remembered she was a side character in Bungo Stray Dogs. She was an antagonist in the first season. She set a trap for Kunikida by disguising herself as a victim from a series of murders she caused after the death of her lover, the Azure King. And for some reason I was reincarnated as her.

3. I'm in Bungo Stray Dogs.
I'm in Bungo start Dogs. I don't know how or why but I'm somehow in the anime I daydreamed about being isekai'd into. To be fair I think 90% of anime fans wish they were transported into their favorite anime. As much as I'm mentally fangirling at the chance to meet my favorite characters, this is making my brain hurt. On the plus side this means self portraits are a lot easier to draw.

I've been in the hospital for the past day and a half. My "parents" seemed nice, although I was concerned that would change later on as the Nobuko Sasaki the anime character was based off of, was told to commit suicide by her mother.

Honestly I'm just glad she's not breastfeeding me. I sweatdrop, realizing I don't actually know my parents names, since they weren't mentioned in the anime and so far everyone's referred to them as "Mr. and Mrs. Sasaki."

'There's a lot of stuff I need to figure out, but at least I get to meet Dazai, Chuuya, Atsushi, Akutagawa, Sigma, Fyodor, Nikolai- everyone assuming I survive that long' I sigh, remembering all of the deaths. 'Maybe I can change that'

I feel myself being lifted and glance up. It's my mom. 'It feels weird thinking of them as my parents' I'm placed in a carrier. 'I guess we're leaving right now, I'm kinda hungry... Shit if I can't talk to anyone I'll die of boredom TT' I mentally cry. 

'And I'm going to have to wait 20 years to meet everyone... and avoid the Azure King if I want to live... and a lot of things' My mom settles me in the car seat before sitting next to me, as my dad starts the car.

'I'll figure it out later, I'm exhausted. Stupid baby-self' I grumble to myself in my head. The soft hum of the car is too soothing to resist. 'I have 20 years to figure this out' I sigh, trying not to panic. One thought flows through my mind as I lean back, falling asleep.

'20 years'

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23 ⏰

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