Chapter 1

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Harry was nervous. He had been in Berlin for about a month already and he liked the city. He was just a little anxious to meet new people. He had sarted biting his nails again, a habit he thought he had finally managed to stop, but that was apparently only temporarily. He sighed as he looked down on his outfit once more, a simple blue T-shirt and black shorts. He figured it would do and then he quickly grabbed his phone and his keys, wondering if he would need his computer and text books for the welcome day, but deciding against it. Then he left his apartment taking a deep breath.

Walking down the stairs was not as annoying as he had thought, considering he lived on the fourth floor. But when he went outside, the real shock begin. It was over 33 degrees and he already questioned his life choices. Unfortunately, he decided it was too late to back out and kept going. It was around a 15 minute walk to the closest metro station and he did his best to not be in anyones way, not yet used to so many people walking the street. He kept doing the breathing exercises his therapist had taught him, even though they did not seem to help at all.

He reached his destination at the metro station sooner then he would have liked. He figured he could buy a drink and something to eat. He knew from experience that not eating would end badly, and that he should eat something no matter how nauseous he felt. He took a few deep breaths, thinking about ordering in german before he decided against it, afraid to say the wrong thing or accidentally offending the older man behind the cash register.

"Hello?" Harry asked carefully. "Could I get a bottle of water and half a sandwich with cheese? Thank you!" Harry quickly rushed out, nervously watching the time on his phone, not wanting to be late. "Sure, that would be 3 euro 90 please." The man said and Harry handed him two 2 euro coins, almost forgetting the change and cursing himself over it. "Thank you. Have a nice day. Thanks bye!" Harry rambeled before he practically sprinted to the platform. "Pathetic" He thought to himself, when he looked up and realised he was on the wrong platform. He went back up the escalators and looked for the right platform before he finally stepped onto the right metro, thankful when he could sit down.

10 minutes later, he reached his stop and got off, looking around to make sure he took the rigt exit this time. Then he brought out his phone and looked at the map they had gotten over the campus area and he checked his schedule. Room 21. Okay. Harry took a few moments to collect himself before he started walking, looking around to see if he could see any of his classmates. He did not know what to look for and he did not want to look creepy, so he quickly gave up.

20 very awkward minutes later he finally found the right classroom and Harry thanked himself for deciding to leave early this morning. When he entered the classroom, there was only one other student there and their teacher. Harry hesitated for a moment, the student sat in the front row, in the middle. She had blond hair and looked like she wanted to be left alone, so Harry hesitated because he was not sure where to sit. Should he sit beside her? Or should he start a new row? He quickly sat down at the same row but with one chair between him and the girl when his techer walked up to him. Or would it be professor? Considering it is university? "Hello, I am Malin. I am the one who sent you all the E-mails with information during the summer. Nice to meet you!" she said, waiting for Harry to shake her hand and introduce himself. "Ehm. Hey Malin. I am Harry. Harry Styles." "Nice to meet you, Harry. This is Taylor!" Malin said, refering to the girl sitting beside Harry. "Hi!" She said, giving him a warm smile. And Harry could not help but notice how cute she looked. If he was not gay, he would probably have flirted with her. "Hey Taylor!" Harry said, trying to mask how nervous he was without sounding to stiff. He did not want to seem to excited, but he was happy someone was talking to him. So he tried to stay calm and keep a warm smile, that he is pretty sure looked more like a weird grimace.

Him and Taylor kept up wih the small talk while they waited for the rest of the class to enter. Every time the door opened, Harry looked up to se who his new classmates were. Two other girls took their seats next to Harry and Taylor, and unfortunately Taylor talked more to them. That meant Harry was sitting there awkwardly, trying to not draw attention to him. He wished he brought his pen case and a note book, then he could have doodled in the note book waiting for the time to pass, but unfortunately he was not that smart. The classroom was almost full and Harry tried to look at his classmates, making mental notes on who looked nice and who Harry would rather stay away from. Not that he thought anyone was mean, but too many people are intimidating and he would rather focus on a few people than everyone at the same time. The door opened for the last time when two men walked inside the classroom and it snapped Harry out of his thoughts.

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