Chapter 2

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On the way to the bar, Harry walked alongside Louis and Zayn. They lived together in an apartment and Harry felt content with listening to their banter, not having to do much talking himself. When they arrived at the metro, Zayn and Louis went to talk to some other people and Harry sat down on his own. He contemplated getting up and walking over to the others, but he was afraid that would be awkward so he stayed seated.

"Hey, can I sit here?" A girl asked and Harry looked up to see the girl he had sat beside in class. "Yeah sure, no worries!" He said, giving the girl a smile, a little embarrassed to admit he didn't remember her name. "You are Harry, right?" The girl asked and Harry swallowed. "Yeah. Sorry, do you mind telling me your name again?" He asked sheepishly. "I'm Taylor." The girl, Taylor, said. "Did you say you had family from Austria?" Taylor continued. "Eh. No. My old German teacher is Austrian though." Harry explained with a small giggle. "Cool!" Taylor said. "This is your first semester in uni, isn't it?" Taylor asked and Harry shrugged before he nodded. "What about you?" He asked her. "I studied general engineering for three years, but I needed to take a German course for my internship." Taylor explained. "That's cool! Did you like the engineering program?" Harry asked and Taylor nodded, before it was time to get off the metro.

"Okay, follow me, I know where to go!" A girl Harry vaguely recognised said before the entire class was following behind her. About 10 minutes later they arrived at the bar and sat down at a table. Harry got a longdrink, it was rather disgusting but he slowly sipped on it while his classmates talked. He felt a little out of it and would have preferred to head home, but his fear of missing out made him stay for another hour before people started heading home.

During the night Harry had talked some more to Taylor and he figured she could be a great friend. He had also talked to a man named Liam and he seemed nice too. When Harry was on his way back home, he felt good about the day and was looking forward to the next day. That's when he would actually start classes and get to know the teachers.

Next morning Harry did not start class until 1pm, so he did not wake up before 10 AM. Especially considering he did not have any studying to do yet. He made a toast with fried eggs and bacon for lunch while texting some of his friends. Most of them where back home in England, but thanks to his fandom he had managed to make a few friends from the Internet as well. Harry was happy to get some time to catch up with his friends before he had to get to school. They always helped him calm down and feel less anxious.

Harry got up and washed his dishes before he went outside to begin his walk to the metro. Obviously, he listened to music from his favourite boy band. There is no better way to start the day off. He did not manage to get a seat that morning, so he stood awkwardly and scrolled on his phone while he waited for his stop.

When he arrived he went straight to school and arrived at the classroom in time. Today however, he wasn't as early as the day before and there were some more people in the classroom. He sat down in an empty chair and put his things on the desk in front of him. The class was rather boring, it was conversation and people felt a bit awkward about talking in German.

After class Harry went home and straight to bed. Who knew meeting new people and starting uni was this exhausting? Harry yawned while going to bed. Friday was pretty much a repeat of Thursday, but the class decided to go out to a bar again and Harry joined. He still sat mostly quiet, but he observed people and tried to memorise the names of his classmates this time. It did go better, and some people, like Niall, Liam and Taylor, actually tried to engage him in the conversation. Harry was a little distracted though, because Zayn and Louis sat on the opposite side of him and he really tried to concentrate on not getting caught sneaking glances over at the work of art that is Louis Tomlinson. Yes, Harry might have stalked his Facebook profile to find his last name. Sue him. Louis' eyes where just the prettiest eyes he had ever seen, Harry could literally drown in them. And both Zayn and Louis were funny, and nice. They made Harry feel safe, like he could be himself. He did not say much, but he felt happy and rather relaxed. At the end of the night he got a hug from Niall and Taylor, but also Zayn and Louis.

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