Chapter 3

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TW: Sexual harassment. Someone puts their hands on someone else without consent. If you do not wish to read that, skip the rest of the fourth paragraph after "unwanted presence".

Harry and Niall quickly finished the bottle of feigling and a pint each. Harry felt amazing and free, and even though he knew he should not be drinking this much, he loved how at piece he felt with the poison in his veins. Anti depressants and anxiety meds are great, but they only get you so far. 

"Hey Harry and Niall! We were thinking about going to a club at warschauer Strasse, wanna come with us?" Zayn asked, motioning to a group of people Harry assumed where his classmates. Louis and Liam being to of them, but also Hannah. Much to his dissapointment. "Sure! I am always up for a party!" Niall said and grabbed Harry's arm. "I'm in!" Harry said, following the others to the metro station, quietly listening to various conversations about which club they were going to, not really caring when I noticed Louis was walking beside him. He took a few deep breaths before he dared to speak up. 

"What do you think about techno music?" As soon as the words were out of his mouth, Harry regretted them. What kind of conversation starter was that? Thankfully, he did not have to stay in his misory for long, when Louis responded. "Honestly? I don't really like it. But we are in Berlin, so I guess I have to try it out, you know?" Louis explained. "Yeah, makes sense. I think I feel the same way. I never really enjoyed it, but I haven't really listened to it either?" Harry rambled. He felt a little less nervous talking to Louis, he just had this vibe that made Harry feel safe. The kind of vibe you get when you feel like you have known someone your entire life. "Yeah, it's interesting but I absolutely prefer clubs where I can sing along." Louis explained. "Yeah, I get what you mean. I prefer that as well." Harry said, before Louis left to go and talk with Zayn. 

When they arrived at the club there was not that much of a line and they got in rather quickly. Unfortunately for Harry, the group was quickly devided and Harry found himself alone on a dance floor, something he definitely did not like. It was too many people and he had had one drink too many to figure it out, so he just stood in a corner of the dance floor trying to contact one of his friends... where they friends? Classmates. Before he knew what was happening, he felt a presence in front of him, a very unwanted and uncomfortable presance. He looked up from his phone and locked eyes with a man that was probably twice his age and who kept coming closer. Harry backed away, but the man kept following him and before Harry knew it, they were dancing. At first it was okay, not that he would go after men that muvh older, but he did not really mind. But then the man put his hands down Harry's pants and he frooze up and backed away. "NO! Stop!" Harry Yelled, but the man kept touching. "HÖR AUF: NEIN!" Harry yelled, and before he even registerd what he did, he had thrown his drink on the man and kneed him in the crotch. "WHAT THA FUCK?" The man yelled, but Harry just ran and typed to Liam, who was the first to show up in his messenger app.

Liam. Help. Where u ? Need help.

Unfortunately, Liam did not reply but he did see Zayn and Niall and ran up tp them instead. "Hey guys sorry." He said, about to continue when Zayn said "Harry, what happened?" And Harry just broke down crying, so Zayn embraced him and whispered "Do you want to go home?" and Harry just nodded. "Is it okay if I call Louis? He has our keys." Zayn explained and Harry just nodded again. The rest of the night was a bit of a blur, but he knew that Louis and Zayn followed him home at least. The next day he woke up to a message from Liam saying "Sorry mate, didn't see your text 'til now! Hope you had a good night!" and Harry just reacted with a thumbs up. 

The following days where rather boring. He mostly studied and waited for someone to text him (or the group chat) too scared to make plans himself. Suddenly it happened, Liam asked if they wanted to go to a café and study. Harry quickly reacted and said he would be there and then he got ready. He put on a pair of jeans and a T-shirt, because it was rather warm for being the middle of September. Then he left his apartment and met up with most people from his class at the café. 

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