He Has A Nightmare

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G-Dragon : " Jiyong I hate you ! You're never here for me !!! You always hang around with the boys or go hang at YG !!!! You're a horrible boyfriend !!! I HATE YOU SO MUCH GET OUT OF MY LIFE !!!!!!!!" You ran away and Jiyong couldn't do anything . It was like he was glued to the floor . " (Y/N)-AH DON'T LEAVE ME PLEASE !!!!!!!" Jiyong screamed and sat up from the bed . He was sweating like crazy. The light turned on . " Jiyong it was just a dream calm down ." You said as you grabbed a hold of him . You stared at him " it's okay I'm here ." Jiyong felt relieved and hugged you ." Don't leave me please . I know I'm not the best boyfriend but please don't leave me ." " I will never leave you Jiyong . I love you so much !" Soon enough he fell asleep and dreamt of you again . But this time it was better.

TOP : It was horrible . He tried to run but it was too late. You were there on the road , bones crushed and a pool of blood surrounding you . The driver continued driving . Everybody around you just looked with no emotion. He ran to you and yelled at the people . " WHY ARE YOU STANDING THERE GET HELP !" He held you in his arms and continued to yell. " HELP ME DAMMIT!!!!!" Seunghyun woke up covered in sweat and tears rolling down his cheeks. He looked to his left and saw you there sleeping peacefully . Seunghyun sighed in relief. He carefully lifted the sheet that covered you to check for marks just in case . No marks. Seunghyun felt better. He put the sheet back and fell back to sleep with you in his arms.

Taeyang : You woke up to Youngbae tossing and turning . You looked behind you and saw him . He had a scared look on his face . His eye brows were furrowed and tears were coming out of his eyes. You rolled over and started to shake him. " Youngbae wake up !" Youngbae woke up and his breath was heavy . " Babe are you okay ?!? What's wrong please tell me !!!" Youngbae just stared at you and with his left arm he pulled you into his chest and hugged you. " Sorry it was a bad dream ." " It's okay babe everyone has it you pushed yourself up from his chest and looked at him. You caressed his face and said " I'll be here okay. So don't worry about losing me . I love you." You pulled him into a kiss . You guys went to sleep again and he hasn't had a bad dream ever since.

Daesung : Daesung cried as you walked away from him. " I'm sorry but you're never here and I can't live my life like this . I'm sorry ." He watched you walk away and he couldn't do anything about it . He cried and cried because that was all he could do . He woke up with tears running down his face. He looked to his left and saw you cuddled up next to him. " She's still here . So it was a dream." Daesung felt so much better . He turned to his side and pulled you as close as he could to himself . He wasn't gonna loose you . " I love you (y/n)-ah."

Seungri : * - his thoughts
You watched as that women left your share room . " Why would you do that ? Was I not good enough for you ?" " She's better than you . I don't even know why you're in my life . "

* Wait Seunghyun what are you saying ?*

" So everything we went though was a lie . You were playing with me ." " Yes ."

* No no no I love you ! This wasn't a lie. *

" Get out of my life (Y/N) ."


Seunghyun watched as you ran away with gears in your eyes but he couldn't do anything . " (Y/N) !!!!!!!!" Seunghyun yelled as he sat up . It was all a dream , no a nightmare . He grabbed his phone and called you . " Hello Seunghyun why are calling me it's morning !" " Sorry (Y/N)-ah I just wanted to tell you that I love you so much ." " I love you too now let me sleep." " Bye I love you ." " Bye love you too."

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