10: scar on a eyebrow

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Eleanor ran upstairs to the bedroom and Tristan saw her run,he still stood there with his hands under his pockets, he looked at Zade and raised a brow.

Tristan opened the room door and slowly walked in,he looked around searching for Eleanor, he walked further hearing low whispers he stood infront of the closet door looking at her sitting in a corner knees to her chest and hands on her ears.

"Please, please, please" Eleanor kept on whispering looking down closing her eyes tightly.

Tristan looked at her, he looked at how horrified she was, he saw how she was nothing like how he had seen her 10 minutes ago, he walked towards her slowly and got on his toes to get to her height, to look at her closely,to look at her eyes, he sat down infront of her,he lifts her face to make her look at him, some how he was gentle this time.

"Please don't kill me" Eleanor's eyes were still closed tightly

"Eleanor" Tristan's voice soft and comforting, he was completely different from how he usually was

"Who is trying to kill you,Eleanor? Who do you see, Eleanor?" Tristan asked in a low voice

Eleanor was not in her senses right now, her eyes were closed tightly she was breathing heavily.

"Tell me Eleanor who is it? Who do you see?" Tristan asked once again

"M-mask... b-black mask-" Eleanor tried to say her eyes still closed tightly

"Yes Eleanor say it, who do you see? Who is it Eleanor?" Tristan said in a low comforting voice and Eleanor immediately pulled him closer to her hugging him tightly she sobbed in his chest, her nails digging in his chest, Tristan was shocked he didn't know how to act in a situation like this,he kept his hands to himself.

"Scar- scar on his eyebrow-" Eleanor said

"Bloody knife- b-bloody h-hands" Eleanor said

"He is coming! He is coming! Noo!! Noo!!! No-" Eleanor screamed and fainted right there.

Tristan felt her body weight on him, he looked down and saw her face, she was red and tears rested on her eyelashes, he looked at her not knowing what to do, Tristan stood up and Eleanor fell on the bare, cold floor,Tristan looked at her and pushed his hair back.

He immediately got out of the walk in closet and went outside of the bedroom,he was trying not to think about what happened

"Zade!" Tristan growled calling Zade and in no time Zade was right infront of him

"Yes Mr.Hudson" Zade said looking down

"Look at me!" Tristan raised his voice and Zade immediately looked at him

Tristan immediately looked at the scar on his eyebrow

"How did you get this scar?" Tristan asked

"My sister threw a tv remote at me when we were kids..." Zade said

"Don't fucking lie to me" Tristan grabbed Zade by his collar looking at Zade with anger in his eyes

"Sir- why would I lie?" Zade said looking at Tristan

Tristan realized what he was doing,he immediately let go of Zade's collar and looked away, "go away" Tristan said,Zade bowed slightly before walking away.

Tristan was quiet he kept on wondering why he was doing this, why did he questioned Zade,why did he almost lost his temper over something that was not even his business, why did he questioned Eleanor.

Tristan sat on couch and looked at the carpet, buried in his thoughts...

Eleanor was laying there unconscious,unaware of anything that just happened.

Tristan woke up, he was still on the couch,the sun was shining bright, he got up and went upstairs to the bedroom and stopped by the closet

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Tristan woke up, he was still on the couch,the sun was shining bright, he got up and went upstairs to the bedroom and stopped by the closet. He looked in and she was still laying there in the same position, Tristan went to the bathroom and got ready for office before leaving.

Eleanor was awakened by a maid, Eleanor looked at her and frowned

"What are you doing here ma'am? Are you okay?" The maid asked

Eleanor sat straight and looked around, she got up and immediately felt dizzy before she fell the maid held Eleanor.

"Where is Tristan?" Eleanor asked

"Mr.Hudson left for work a long time ago, please come and lay on the bed Mrs.Hudson, you don't look fine" the maid walked Eleanor to bed and Eleanor laid on the bed closing her eyes tightly groaning in pain.

"My name is Eleanor Ralph, call me Ms.Ralph or Ms.Eleanor, what is Mrs.Hudson?" Eleanor said

"My apologies Ms.Ralph, what would you like to have for breakfast?" The maid asked

"Nothing, give me cold glass of water...that's it." She said and the maid nodded before walking out

Eleanor remembered everything that happened last night, she didn't remember what she said, but she remembered everything Tristan said, her heart beat was going fast and she was thinking too much again, there was so much noise in the silence, everything got cut off when "here's your water Ms.Ralph" the maid said.

Eleanor took the glass from the tray and took a sip "anything else?" The maid asked and Eleanor slowly shook her head, the maid bowed slightly before walking out of the room closing the door.

Eleanor had so many questions only Tristan could answer,her head was spinning, she was dizzy, her body was in pain, her eyes were red and puffy, she couldn't understand why? Why? Till this day a none-exisiting person haunted her.

"I'm your brother Eli, I would never hurt you, you're my beautiful princess, tell me am I not the best brother?"

"I love you! You're the best brother-"

Eleanor's eyes opened wide and she looked straight breathing heavily.

"What is wrong with me? Why am I acting like this? Why all of a sudden?" Eleanor thought.

Since Tristan came in Eleanor's life every day was a nightmare for her, for the past years her parents death didn't haunted her as much as it did now, she was now the same little girl afraid to even close her eyes, again. She worked so hard on herself to earse the scene she saw at a young age. It still played in her head like a movie. Like a unforgettable movie.

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