16- Dms Matthew And Tom

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Matthew: Are we going out tonight?

                                               Tom: Sure but I can't get drunk like I did with then. I can drive if you want to drink.

Matthew: Do you mind if Evanna comes?

                                                Tom: You like her don't you? I've seen the way you two act around each other.

Matthew: We've always been good friends I just don't want to mess that up. She is really fun to hang out with though.

                                               Tom: I might have to find myself a date then. I don't want to be a third wheel.

Matthew: It's not a date but you can bring someone if you want. What about asking Emma?

                                               Tom: I don't think it's the best idea. We just became friends again. I don't wanna be too much. I'll just go alone if I can't find anyone else.

Matthew: Sure. I promise you won't be a third wheel.

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