42- Dms- Bonnie And Emma

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Bonnie: Emma!

                                               Emma: Yes?

Bonnie: Please tell me that you are official now.

                                               Emma: I don't know I haven't ask him anything yet. I'm too scared. What if he doesn't like me in that way

Bonnie: Girl. It's so obvious he does. You guys have known each other for ages.

                                             Emma: I just feel all weird when I'm with him.

Bonnie: Thats good Emma. You always told me you never felt that way with other guys.
                                           Emma: Thats true.

Bonnie: I saw the way he looked at you at the reunion. He was so in love with you.

                                           Emma,: We do love each other but not in that way...

Bonnie: Emma you know deep down it's more than that. The post he just made shows that fully. Did you guys really sleep together.

                                         Emma: We slept besides each other not with.

Bonnie: That shows that he doesn't want to play with you. He wants you long-term. Please Emma don't sabotage yourself like you usually do.

                                        Emma: What if I get heartbroken?

Bonnie: You have to be brave Emma.



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