23- Tom And Emma Calls

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A couple days later

* Tom tries to call Emma. Voicemail.

Tom: Hi, Emma it's Tom. Just checking on you. It's okay if you don't want us to be friends again, I get it but please just call me back.

the next day.

* Tom calls Emma again

Tom: Hey Emma. I contacted Bonnie and Evanns, they tried calling you but no answers. I'm worried about you. Please call anymore of us back.

* Emma calls Tom a couple hours later.

                                                   Emma: Hey Tom.

Tom: Emma! Are you okay?

                                                    Emma: I'm at the hospital

Tom: Hospital? What the heck happened!

                                                    Emma: I'm fine now, but someone intruded my house. They wanted money and when they got it they wanted more so they harmed me to get a satisfaction of some sort.        

Tom: What?! how bad did they hurt you? Did the police get them?

                                                   Emma: I have a small concussion, fractured fingers from trying to fight back and a scar on my cheek. They want to keep me here a couple days just to make sure I eat and drink enough. The police caught him.

Tom: Is it okay if I comme and see you there?
                                               Emma: I don't look good Tom.

Tom: I don't care. Someone should be there with you.

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