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I closed the door behind him I really wanted Aiden to stay. I know how busy he is now with his dad's company, and balancing college it's crazy.

I keep having the same nightmare every night. I wake up sweating my heart pounding in my chest. I can't handle it anymore, not another night like this terrified out of my mind.

Walking back to the couch I sat there finishing up the last part of my movie. I was beyond tired, but I knew if I fell asleep I would have that crazy nightmare again.

I sat up for hours thinking who could the woman be. It scared the shit out of me every time, hearing her ear piercing scream.

She wanted me to help someone, but I woke up every time before I found out who.

This nightmare was driving me crazy. I looked at the clock it read five am. Grabbing my computer I researched all the possible reasons why I could be having this nightmare.

I snapped the laptop closed rubbing my temples in frustration. God for the life of me I couldn't figure out why.

There was something wrong I could feel it in the dream like something was going to happen.

It's like I knew the woman, but I couldn't put my finger on it. I walked into the kitchen turning on the coffee maker.

I poured a fresh cup of water at the top, putting in a new filter. I needed to stay awake I couldn't handle one more night not again.

Sitting on the stool waiting for the coffee to make. My eyes started getting heavy I couldn't stay awake any longer.

My head nodded off I was out within the quickness. The woman she was screaming again. I dropped to my knees covering my ears.

I woke up the coffee pot was screeching. I got up rubbing my eyes turning off the coffee pot.

Grabbing my coffee mug from the cabinet I poured myself some coffee.

I starred at the black steaming hot coffee in the mug. Everything was driving me crazy. I had to tell someone about this dream but who.

I grabbed the mug going upstairs. I took small sips of the hot coffee burning my tongue. Sitting here I felt as if I was going slightly insane.

I sat the mug on the night stand getting up walking to the bathroom I stared in the mirror. Dark rings were around my eyes I haven't slept in hours.

I grabbed a bottle of pills out the mirror opening it. I poured out two white tablets.

I heard footsteps behind me, I looked up in the mirror Isaac stood behind me. I gasped dropping the pills in the sink quickly turning around, "Isaac you scared the shit out of me."

He walked closer to me my heart started racing. He lifted his hand touching my cheek. I flinched at his slightest touch of his hand.

Looking me in my eyes he said, "I can't get you out of my head Camryn."

I looked down at my feet avoiding his intense gaze. We were once so close to one another but things have changed.

My voice barely above a whisper, "How did you get in here Isaac."

He chuckled, "You made me a spare key awhile ago, and never asked for it back Cam."

Isaac hasn't called me Cam since high school. It brought back so many memories that pinched my heart bringing a small smile to my face every time.

He stood right in front of me gazing at me with those chocolate brown eyes. I reached up cupping his face in my hand, "Isaac I forgive you."

He smiled tears pricked his eyes, "You do Camryn."

I smiled back, "Yes I do."

Pulling me into his chest he wrapped his arms around me. I closed my eyes and sighed, "Are you clean for good."

He nodded resting his chin on the top of my head. He swayed back and forth I never knew how much I needed a hug until now.

Pulling away I walked back down stairs. He grabbed my hand stopping me in my tracks I looked back at him, "Your running from something Camryn I can feel it."

He sighed a worried look on his face, "I know you better than you know you."

I bit my lip, "A lot has changed since high school Isaac. People change their feelings change, everything changes."

He shook his head smiling at me, "Camryn your still my same delicate flower that likes for me to give her piggy back rides on the beach."

I laughed remembering the time he carried me on his back down to the beach. We were so happy then all our friends were there so many happy memories together. I was pushing the bad ones in the back of my mind try to forget. A lane I didn't want to go down. A path I didn't want to cross.

I sat down on the couch watching him he sat down in the chair in front of me. Those deep dark waves in his hair and his chocolate brown eyes.

I remember the first time I fell for him it was every girls dream to be the girlfriend of Isaac the star football player. He was so sweet and kind with this charm that no other guy had. He knew all the right words to say at the right time.

Clearing his throat I snapped out of my day dream, "Camryn so your dating that white guy."

I knew this was coming but not at this moment, "His name is Aiden and yes I am."

He shifted uncomfortably, "Are you happy Camryn."

I seen hurt and pain flashed in those now sad brown eyes of his, "I am happy."

"Happier than you were with me", he had a serious look on his face. I've never thought about in that way.

"Isaac I can't compare the two of you."

He stood up and sat next to me our faces inches apart, "Camryn no man can love you like I can, you know this." The seriousness in his voice sent chills down my spine.

"Isaac why are you really here", I sighed not wanting to bark up that tree.

"I needed someone to talk to and I trust you Camryn," He trusts me there goes another pinch.

A wave of sadness washed over me tears rolled down my cheeks. I instantly thought of Aiden. How I thought I could trust him.

I quickly wiped the tears away. I thought I was over the whole thing but I just hid the feelings. Denied them until they were buried, now there resurfacing and it's killing me.

I had forgotten Isaac was there he sat there staring at me. Leaning towards me he cupped my face in his hands and kissed me.

My mind went completely blank our lips moved in a perfect melody. He pulled me onto his lap holding me in his arms.

The kiss was soft and gentle, filled with want and pain. It's was as if he poured all of his hurt, pain, and guilt inside of me sealing it with one kiss.

He pulled away looking me in my eyes. I sat there waiting for him to speak he didn't say a word. He just held me in his arms I felt some what safe for that moment with him.

In those familiar arms that got me through some tragic times. That warm embrace that made me feel at home. Those chocolate brown eyes that melted my world. I drifted off to sleep in his arms.

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