I know now

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My phone kept ringing all night I grabbed it finally answering it, "What?"

"Aiden! this is Jasmine I'm worried about Camryn is she with you?"

I sat up in bed rubbing my eyes, "No she left early yesterday morning from my parents house. I haven't heard from her since."

"Something's wrong, she would always call me back when I would called her. I'm really worried about her Aiden", She said a hint of panic in her voice.

"Jasmine I'll find her don't worry then I'll call you right back." I said in a reassuring tone.

Hanging up the phone I tossed the covers off of me checking the time it was three in the morning. I tried calling Camryn's phone but I didn't get a answer.

I got up getting dressed grabbing my car keys and wallet. It was weird but I had a feeling where I thought she was. If she was there I knew there would be trouble. I stopped at her apartment first.

No one was home and her car wasn't parked in its usual spot. I drove around thinking of all of the places where she could be. Where are you Camryn why aren't you answering your phone.

Thank god the doctor said I didn't need those crutches anymore but I had to wear a ugly grey boot on my leg which wasn't that great either.

I called her phone once again it rang then someone answered it. I heard gasping in the background then a loud thud like something had fallen. The line suddenly went dead.

"Shit shit shit Camryn!", I quickly dialed her number again her phone going straight to voicemail. I pounded my fist on the steering wheel angrily. Where in the hell could she be why wasn't she answering her phone.

Something was terribly wrong I think I had an idea of who's behind it. I did a quick U turn going back to Camryn's place.

I sat on her bed waiting for Nick to arrive this wasn't right. I didn't want to believe that she went back with her ex.

I heard a knock at the door I rushed downstairs to answer it. I opened the door Nick stood there with Wren right behind him.

"What is she doing here Nick?" I stared at him.

He walked in as I closed the door behind the both of them. She smacked me across the head, "Don't treat me like that Aiden. I know your mother!" she narrowed her eyes at me.

I shook my head, "Whatever but Nick give me the details."

He pulled out his iPad searching on a app for something. I paced back and forth something I often did when I was anxious or angry and right now I was both.

"I looked up some stuff on her ex he has a pretty colorful history if you ask me", he said.

"Okay get on with it" I said impatiently.

"The guy had a serious drug and alcohol problem which caused him to loose a major foot ball scholarship a couple years ago"

I nodded absorbing all the information, "Is that all"

"No it says he's been in trouble with the cops several times in the past-" he suddenly stopped talking which caused me to look up at him.

"For what?"

He looked at me then at Wren who was standing beside him staring at the screen, "Um... I don't think you wanna know."

"What the fuck Nick just say it" I was starting to get antsy.

"Abuse on his high school sweetheart and girlfriend Camryn Armstrong" he blurted out.

My entire mind went blank the entire time she was with him he was beating her up and abusing her. How could she not tell me he was doing this to her. This made me want to kill him for every laying his hands on her.

"Does it say anything else"

"Yeah, it says the first restraining order was filed two years ago by her parents and one again a few months ago by Camryn herself and Jasmine as a witness."

"How could she stand to be with someone like that", Wren said staring at Nick then back at me.

I had my back turned away from them I knew exactly why it's just how she is, "She loved him" I said turned around to face him.

It was silent for awhile as I thought of something I could do without ending up in jail for killing that stupid bastard for all the harm he's caused her.

"Does it say where he lives."

He scanned the screen for a moment, "Yeah, down town north ridgeway drive, apartment C-3"

I grabbed my keys walking towards the door, "I'm going to fucking kill him"

Wren grabbed my arm stopping me in my tracks, "Aiden stop! your just going to get yourself into trouble."

I snatched my arm out of her grip, "I'm going no matter what you say"

Nick stood in front of me blocking the door, "Aiden dude chill I'll go, you and Wren stay here in case she comes back."

I growled, "It just makes me so fucking angry and she didn't tell me or even intended for me to know."

"Just calm down and stay here with Wren while I go and see if she's there okay man"

I raked my fingers through my hair pacing back and forth. I was slowly loosing it at the thought of him laying one finger on her.

I went upstairs leaving Wren downstairs waiting for Nick to get back. I walked down the hallway opening her bedroom door. I stepped inside not bothering to turn on the lights.

It was like it usually was clean and everything in order except for her bathroom where make up was laid out all over the sink and a curling iron.

I sat on the edge of her bed my Camryn's in danger and I'm not there to protect her. Once again I've failed her it's always me failing her hurting her causing her so much pain.

I laid back resting my head on her pillow where her scent lingered still. It was like she was here with me now. All I wanted to do was protect and love her.

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