Part One

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The footsteps of my thigh high boots echo as I walk around the university corridors. We are a bit in the morning and people are rushing to class, some dragging their feet to get breakfast from the cafeteria.

I continue walking remaining unfazed by the looks on me. I'm in a corset top, a black short leather skirt with double slits on the thighs and a black long coat and my purple handbag.

I am coming from an all night party at Riders Ranch and I have a strong shot of coffee to help me stay up for at least an hour and cram for my physics notes for the test I have at 10 am, and right about now, it's almost nine am.

I stay inside the university campus and I share a room with another student. Luckily she's just a quiet nerd, who keeps to herself, so it's fine by me.

I put on my door key only to find that it's already opened. I open the door and throw my handbag on my bed.

"Fuck! What the hell!" A husky voice nearly scares me out of the thigh high boots I'm in.

My heart races and as I turn around I'm met by the angry face of a woman holding a bleeding cheek.

If I had been a literature major and not an engineering student, perhaps I would recognised the bleeding cheek as symbolism... But I am a engineering student and with the alcohol in my system still... I had no time to be analysing bleeding cheeks and what nots.

"What the hell to you too! Who the fuck are you?" I frown at the stud sitting on my bed.

The woman gives me a hard glare.

I take her in.

She's got beautiful dark skin. A septum piercing. Her short hair is left uncombed making a wild beautiful pattern on her. She's in a cargo outfit with green Jordans.

Okay nice. Is this one my one night stands that has come back for more? But how could they know where I stay, because I never give out my address and this can't be a student. I never fuck students and she certainly doesn't look like one. She looks a bit older?? Certainly looks like someone I could be into... Although I don't remember meeting her or fucking her before??

I smirk, revealing my dimples and tilt my head to the side. She glares harder at me and I get a kick out of her anger.

Just then, the door opens and Tandzi, my roommate walks in.

"Oh hey..." She greets me stuttering a bit as per her normal self.

"Morning..." I look at her.

"Erm... Sorry this is my sister in law. She's come to fetch me and we are leaving just now..."

"Your cheek is bleeding... What happened..." Tandzi panicks grabbing some tissues.

"Oh it's nothing... I just accidentally cut myself with my ring while scratching my cheek... It's fine..." She easily lies.

"Oh... Sorry..." Tandzi looks worried.

I watch the interaction between them amused.

"Can we leave now?" The stud I hit with my bag stands up.

"Yes I'm done," Tandzi grabs her bagback and I watch as the stud helps her carry some of her other bags.

"Bye Gabi, I will see you when the break is over..." She says as she leaves the room.

"Bye..." I wave watching them leave. Her sister in law, looks back frowning at me and I smile to piss her off some more.

I close the door. And quickly take out my notes, sitting on my study table to cram all the notes... I notice the perculiar cologne lingering in the bedroom still.

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