Episode 7 | Karte Hain Shaddi

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Ho Chandni Jab Tak Raat 

Deta Hai Har Koi Saath

Tum Magar Andhero mein

Naa Chhodna Mera Haath


In Khan Haveli, Maryam had woken up and got dressed to go downstairs. On her way, she thought of inviting Meerab to have breakfast with her. When she opened the door to her roomm it was empty. It seemed as if no one had slept in the bed last night.

She went downstairs to check if Meerab was there but she was nowhere to be seen.She approached the servants, who all shook their heads with a look of confusion on their faces; no one had seen Meerab since the previous night.

Maa Begum and the rest of the family were seated at the dining table when she noticed the worried look on Maryam's face. "What's troubling you?" she asked.

Maryam expressed her concerns to her mother, "I checked Meerab's room but I couldn't find her anywhere in the haveli."

Maa begum gave Maryam's arm a soothing stroke and pointed to the empty seat. "You can relax, Maryam. I already know where Meerab has gone and who she is with. Relax and eat your breakfast".

Maryam was relieved to hear that Maa Begum knew about Meerab's whereabouts, but she couldn't help her curiosity. "Where did she go, Maa? And who is she with?" she asked, settling herself into her seat at the table.

Before Maa begum could respond, Anwar spoke up, "Meerab left for Karachi last night. I had gone to check on her but when she wasn't in her room and I panicked. Bhabhi Begum told me that Meerab must have gone to meet Waqas and Anila. Soon after, we got a call from Waqas who confirmed the same."

Maryam nodded and quietly ate her breakfast, lost in thought. She couldn't help but feel unsettled by Maa begum and Anwar Chacha's casual attitude towards Meerab leaving in the middle of the night. Why were they not more concerned? And who had Meerab left with?

Maryam noticed her brother was missing from the breakfast table. She put two and two together and figured that Murtasim was most likely with Meerab, which would explain their's mother's surprisingly calm deamenor this morning.


As Maryam entered her bedroom, she saw Haya diligently organizing the clothes that had just been picked up from the dry cleaners. She saw that Haya seemed happier than usual, though she wasn't sure what to make of it.

Sitting on the bed, Maryam turned to Haya and asked, "Is everything okay with you?"

Haya tilted her head, furrowing her brow in confusion as she grinned at Maryam. She was about to speak, but instead burst into a fit of laughter. "Are you kidding me?" she exclaimed. "Haven't you heard the news? Meerab is all the way in Karachi!" Haya's eyes sparkled with joy as she spoke.

"Aren't you celebrating a little too early?"

Haya's smile faded a little as Maryam didn't seem as enthusiastic about her news. "I'm sorry if I offended you. But I believe this is for the best; Meerab needs to return to Karachi and stay there so we can both be happy."

Maryam nodded, her unease growing as she thought about the situation. "I understand, but there's something that just feels off. I have a feeling that things are about to take a sharp turn. Do you really think Meerab will continue to stay in Karachi?"

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