Episode 42-43-Chalo Meerab❤️‍🩹

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"Tumhein tumhari marzi ki azaadi mubarak ho" were the only words Meerab kept hearing running on loop in the back of her mind since last night. No matter what she did to keep herself occupied and not dwell on the painful expression she had seen on Murtasim's face. The expression said he felt betrayed. He had pleaded with her to deny the very thing he had seen with his own eyes, but he hoped she would say it was all a lie and a conspiracy against her. It wasn't all a lie, so she couldn't deny it.

Murtasim was disappointed with her, and she knew it. She didn't know how to make him feel better, and she certainly couldn't take back what she had done. All she could do was hope he would understand her intention and understand her.

Meerab had been staying at the Khan haveli, but in Anwar's portion, since that was where Murtasim chose to leave her instead of taking her to Karachi. Anwar also wanted her to stay there, so he could keep an eye on her and ensure she was safe. But honestly, Meerab just felt dumped. Why did Murtasim leave her here? Did he believe Maa Begum when she said Meerab convinced Maryam to run off with Malik Zubair for revenge?

Although Maryam had returned home, Meerab did not get the chance to speak with her. Everyone in the family was extremely upset with the two women but nobody said a word to either of them. Meerab really wanted to talk to Maryam before her engagement ceremony, but how could she? Maa Begum had Haya watching Maryam like a hawk, and Haya would not let Meerab near her.

Meerab never liked Haya, but she hated her since she found out Haya had been playing a nasty game. Haya knew Maryam was in love with Anas but also knew he was bad news. Now that Meerab knew about it, she remembered all the moments when Haya threatened Maryam and her that they were playing with fire. The outcome would be worth celebrating on her part. But how could Haya do this to her cousin and best friend? Was it all just for Murtasim?

The memory of last night played like an old film reel in Meerab's mind-a haunting flashback she couldn't escape.


She could almost feel the tension in the air. Everyone in the hall was pacing like caged animals. Murtasim's forehead creased with worry, Anwar's stern face etched with concern, and Maa Begum's eyes darted anxiously between them all.

Maryam was missing, kidnapped by Malik Zubair, and the room buzzed with frantic whispers. Murtasim paced back and forth, his mind grappling with impossible choices. Anwar shot a worried look at Meerab, who, in that moment, felt like a deer caught in the headlights of an oncoming disaster.

Haya, however, exploited the chaos. With a venomous glare, she pointed an accusatory finger at Meerab. "It's her! She's the traitor," Haya declared, her voice cutting through the tense atmosphere like a knife.

Meerab's eyes widened in shock as the accusing finger singled her out. She opened her mouth to protest, but no words came out. The room spun as Haya weaved a tale of betrayal, accusing Meerab of orchestrating Maryam's elopement with Malik Zubair. Meerab's silence became deafening, a mixture of guilt and dread settling heavily.

Meerab felt her heart sink as Haya continued to rant. She averted her gaze, unable to bear the accusing looks of her family. She felt as if she had lost all dignity.

Murtasim stepped forward, his voice booming. "Enough. Meerab doesn't know about Maryam and Malik Zubair. She's been with us all night. Now shut up and let us figure out what to do." Everyone in the room became silent as Murtasim glared at Haya.

But Haya wasn't deterred. She screamed at Murtasim, urging him to open his eyes and see the truth. "Your wife isn't loyal to this family, Murtasim! You don't want to believe it, but I'm telling you the truth," she insisted, her voice carrying an unsettling certainty.

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