Chapter 10: History Was Made

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Astera is busier than ever. With the threat of the Anjanath taken care of, the operation to capture Zorah Magdaros is in full swing. Researchers are scouring notes, logistics is counting and recounting supply and provisions inventory, and the smelter at the workshop is on full blast as they crank out weapons, armor, and ammunition The horns trumpet as those whom it concerns rush to the council meeting. You and your handler are making your way down from the canteen to the meeting.

As everyone is rounded up, the commander starts the meeting.

"Alright everyone, gather around. First off, I'd like to thank everyone for the incredible work and dedication."

The commander turns his head to you and your handler.

"Especially those of the fifth, for hunting that fearsome Anjanath just shortly after coming here."

He focuses back on the actual reason for the meeting. The operation to capture Zorah Magdaros.

"Anyway... the time for use to commenced this colossal task is upon use."

He takes out a huge piece of parchment and lays it out on the table.

"Our operation will take place in the Great Ravine. Zorah Magdaros should appear around here. There will be two barriers staggered further in the ravine, loaded to the brim with cannons and ballista."

He points to the first barrier.

"We will be pelting it with munitions until it reaches the first barrier. Once it does we'll use our binders to restrain her while giving her all we got."

He then moves to the second barrier.

"However, there's a good chance she'll break through. If so, we will initiate the mounting phase of the operation. Available hunters will mount the monster and weaken her down while everyone else keep hammering her with munitions. When she reaches the 2nd barrier we will again restrain her."

He takes his hand off the map and crosses his arms.

"That'll be our last chance. So hunters, give it all you got. We don't know if we'll get another opportunity like this again."

He then turns to the Chief Ecologist, a small and frail old man who runs the Ecology division and archives every single detail about the fauna on the island.

"When will she show herself."

The ecologist flips through his notes and pushes his glasses up.

"At daybreak, sir."

He sighs and turns to the third fleet master.

"Make sure to do you last minute functions tests before shipping out."

He then turns to the Provisions Master and Archive Manager.

"Make sure final counts are done. Researchers, get with your escorts when you're ready. You'll be doing research on site."

They both of them peep up.

"Aye, sir."

The commander closes his eyes and takes a deep breath before exhaling.

"Alright, dissmised! And may the sapphire star light your way!"

Everyone hurries their way back to work as last minute preparations and inventories are taking place before they are staged for transport through pulleys and trolly carts. You are eager to get going, having already whistled a wing drake down. Before you can grapple on though, someone grabs your hand. You turn around to see your handler looking at you nervous.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2023 ⏰

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