(good?) Karma

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*Mark's POV*
I woke up to the sound of a sneeze. Jack was sleeping soundly next to me, and it appeared his sneeze jolted him awake as well. He rubbed at his red eyes, trying to wake up.

"Jackaboy," I began, "I think you're sick, darling." I laughed as he sneezed again. I noticed a bowl of something up on our dresser. I got out of bed (at Jack's annoyance), and went to see what it was.

It happened to be a bowl of soup. Jack had probably brought it in here for me, but I was feeling better. I picked it up and was leaving when I heard Jack say, "No, nngh, Mark, I- I'm fine." He sniffles just then, as if on cue. I chuckled lightly, taking the bowl to the microwave.
I returned and helped Jack sit up. He drank his soup loudly, slurping every noodle. Some might've found it annoying; I thought it was cute.

When he'd finished, I took the empty bowl, and placed it back in its former spot atop the dresser.

When I turned round, he was sitting up, extending his arms open towards me. I smirked, walking back over to bed. I lie down next to him and waited until he was comfy before wrapping my arms around his shaking frame.
He had some trouble falling back asleep, so I turned on my back, cradling him. Jack rested his head on my chest, our legs entangled with each other and the sheets. I played with his hair with my one hand, my other behind my head. Jack swirled random designs gently onto my belly; circles, squares, swirls, triangles.

We lie in that position for a while, neither of us wanting to get up and break the moment.

I decided that, since he's still not asleep (he always has said, "Sleep is for the weak"), I might as well try out some of my new jokes.

"Hey, Jack," I started. "Hmm?," "You wanna hear some jokes?" He looked up at me, scrunching his eyebrows together in confusion. "Yeah, sure. Go fer it," he said, returning his head to my chest.

"What do you think my clothes are made out of?" I asked, smirking already at the coming answer. He sighed, playing along, "I dunno. What?" "Jack, boyfriend material!"

He giggled, slapping my stomach gently, in a playful manner, rolling his eyes. "Oh boy, so it's gonna be jokes like that, huh?" he sighed sarcastically.

"Ok, ready? Why did the chicken cross the prison yard?" He looked up at me in confusion once again, saying "What's that got to do with anything?" "Dude, to get away from Red!" Jack bark- laughed at that one, both of us having just binge- watched the first season of Orange is the new Black.

"Oh boy, I'm on a roll! Okay, why is six afraid of seven?" He rolled his eyes, and I answered, "Because seven is a registered six offender!"
He gasped, "That's a bad one, Mark!" "But you laughed!" I say as he giggles again.

"Okay, okay, last one." The terrible jokes lasted far beyond 'the last one', the actual final one ending, "And then the penguin says, 'Because he's not an eggplant, he's retarded!'" Jack and I both couldn't help laughing immensely at that one, Jack even turning a bit pink in the face.

After I felt my breathing calm down, I reached up and began playing with Jack's hair again. I felt his breath slow, and knew he was finally asleep. I kissed him on his head, adjusting so I can sleep as well.

I guess laughter really is the best medicine.

A/N - Them OITNB references tho ;) Also, I know I've been writing some stuff that deals with feels lately, and thought I'd give y'all a break! Thanks! Happy reading! Kate~~

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