Chapter 1 -- A Completely New World

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A portal opened in the middle of space, and Galvatron flew out. He spun uncontrollably as he materialized in the physical plane, managing to stop and correct himself. He growled in frustration as he raised his servo, staring at a golden, circular object.

"I'll find a way." He muttered, "I swear it."

There was a clank behind him, and he felt heat radiate on his back. He turned, finding where that heat came from.

A blue-gray planet floated behind Galvatron. Its mouth was a glowing, orange-yellow smelting pit, with teeth like giant claws reaching outwards. A golden ring surrounded the planet, with spikes jutting out into space. The bot flinched.

He raised a fist to his chassis and bowed his helm. "Master." He mumbled.

"YOU FOOL. YOU THINK I DO NOT KNOW WHAT YOU HAVE DONE?" The planet sneered, voice booming through Galvatron's helm.

Galvatron looked up. The planet loomed over him threateningly.


"You're wrong." The purple bot growled, "I'll find a way to escape you. You hear me?"

Galvatron felt something latch onto his arm, and a cold chill swept across his body. He looked down, finding a black tendril wrapped around his arm, pulling him back. More tendrils latched onto his body, their vice grip shrouded by the cold that Galvatron was inflicted with. He looked back up at his master, glaring at him. He reached out with a free servo, as if he could attack the planet.

"I'll find a way!" He shouted.

Then, Megatron woke up.

His optics came online with a flash, Spark pulsing faster than usual. The dream felt so real, like he was there, in that moment. He growled in pain, then forced himself to stand. He looked around, finding the bridge to be in ruin. Consoles knocked over or ripped apart, glass cracked, and holes in the ceiling. The warlord looked down at his servo, finding that he still held the Matrix in it. The relic made no noise, and it didn't glow.

Megatron smirked. He had all that he needed to defeat Optimus, and make his image of Cybertron a reality.

=== === ===

Optimus' systems slowly booted up. The errors in his HUD were glitchy and intelligible, static filling his audials. The errors told him that he had some external damage, his Energon levels were low, and that he was missing a component.

His vision finally cleared. The Prime groaned and slowly sat up, looking around. Smoke was still trapped in the bridge, though it wasn't as bad as expected. Dust also floated about. Some of the consoles were damaged, ceiling panels were gone, allowing cables and wires to hang free.

Optimus groaned, cupping his side as he felt it in pain, and he looked down. Energon ran down his side, electricity crackling from the wound. He didn't remember how he sustained it, but he knew it had to be from the process of falling through the planet's atmosphere.

The Prime stood and stumbled to the captain's console, leaning against it. He spotted some Autobots huddled together, quietly talking.

"Everyone was on the bridge when we crashed. If anyone was lost during it, I wouldn't know." Ratchet said.

"All right. Let's start looking for everyone and wake them up." B-127 said, "We need all the help possible to begin repairs and take recon."

"Where's Prime?" Mirage asked.

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