Chapter 3 -- Search for the Allspark

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The Decepticons sat in a shuttle, flying high in the sky. They approached the Allspark's location, the front console trilling. Soundwave sat at that console, piloting the vessel, while Barricade sat on one side and Acidstorm sat on the other. Megatron sat in the commander's chair behind the communication's officer. Beast-Megatron and Scorponok sat at some side-consoles, and the flying red beast (called Terrorsaur) flew alongside the shuttle.

Speaking of outside: below them was a vast and dense forest, with a thick fog blanketing the land. The forest led up into a crater – a volcano that had been dormant for so long that life was flourishing inside. The fog seemed to be worse there, concealing most of the land and trees.

"Approaching Allspark's location." Soundwave announced.

Megatron stood from his chair, smirking. The forest was closer now. The Matrix, which had barely made a noise until now, was now pulsating and humming constantly. Beast-Megatron chuckled, then looked at the warlord.

"At long last, Lord Megatron, you're close to accomplishing your ultimate goal." He said.

"I can finally end this war, and eradicate the Autobots." Megatron said, "Then, I will assist you in the defeat of the Maximals."

Beast-Megatron smiled and gave a slight bow, then looked out the windshield. Terrorsaur screeched and soared in front of the shuttle.

" I can't find a landing spot. " He spoke through the shuttle's comms, " The fog's too dense, and something's interfering with my nav. "

"We should land outside of the crater, then." Beast-Megatron said, looking at the Decepticon leader, "For safety."

Megatron nodded. The ship turned, moving to the edge of the crater instead of directly into it.

"Landing procedures: engaged." Soundwave announced.

The shuttle eventually landed, shuddering to a stop and the engine dying down. Everyone inside stood and walked out, Megatron taking the lead. The door opened, revealing the edge of the crater and the forest. Even from the ground, the fog was incredibly dense. No one could see more than a couple feet into the forest. Terrorsaur landed nearby and transformed. He looked over at Beast-Megatron.

"So, what now?" He asked.

"Suggestion: splitting up may be the most effective strategy to locate the Allspark." Soundwave said.

"I have a feeling that my traitorous generals are here, too. While I'd like to hunt them down, I understand if you need us more to find the Allspark." Beast-Megatron said.

"I do not need help locating it." The warlord said, "Deal with your comrades, then begin your search."

The purple bot nodded, then began towards the tree line.

"Scorponok! Terrorsaur!" He called.

The two bots followed their leader into the forest, quickly disappearing into the fog. Megatron looked at Soundwave and Acidstorm.

"We must hurry. Prime could be on his way at this very moment." He said.

The Decepticons padded forwards, being swallowed up by the forest and leaving their shuttle behind.

=== === ===

The Autobots were flying in their own shuttle, slowly making their way towards the Decepticon and Predacons' location. The small ship barely had any room for the others to move around, though it was to be expected. All of the Maximals except Rhinox were there, plus some of the Autobots – Prime, B-127, Prowl, Sideswipe, Arcee, and Mirage. Ironhide was keeping the Ark in order, as well as keeping an optic on Wheeljack to be sure he didn't blow up the place.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2023 ⏰

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