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It had been a long day for Y/n. She had had to deal with her "siblings", and her parents complaining about her wanting to marry. But honestly it made sense for her to marry. She was a pretty noble woman who came from the western empire but had recently moved to the eastern empire. She was turning 19, the age most women started to look for men to marry.

"You can't just leave this family and marry some random man!", her mom yelled. Her "sister" nodded in agreement sniffing in the corner with her brother. "Why can't I every other noble girl does!" you yelled angrily getting annoyed at this argument. You and your bickered all dinner long until eventually your dad got annoyed and shouted "Y/n you will not be leaving this house and marrying a stranger. If you really want to marry we will find someone and be in control of it.".Your dad was stubborn and everything went the way he wanted it to, so since he said that there really wasn't any point in trying to fight anymore. "Ok. But please don't pick someone you know I'll hate just to spite me. Please pick a handsome man who is respectable, around my age and has a high status." you said softly hoping your change in tone and mood from angry to calm would make your dad say yes. "Why should we let you get your way after you shouted and disobeyed us?" your mom asked angrily. "Ok. I'll try my best to find a good match for you" your dad said. Your mom turned to your dad in shock. Usually they were always on the same page and wanted the same thing. You smiled at your dad thanking him for this win in an argument. "But if I don't find anyone who fits those expectations I will pick someone who varies from them slightly." your dad said sternly. " I understand." you said happily. You then finished your food and went to your room. You layed on your bed for a bit imagining climbing the social ladder of this empire and becoming a well known noble woman. You walked to your bathroom getting a bath ready. You then got in to the bath and sat there now imagining your future husband. After about 39 minutes you got out and changed in to your pajamas. As you walked to your bed you imagined generations to come living good lives because of you. You finally layed down letting your thoughts slowly drift away until eventually you fell asleep.

( 424 words)

Protective Love a Remarried Empress fanfic fem x KosairWhere stories live. Discover now