Friendly Stranger

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  The next morning you woke up to someone knocking on your door. "Come in." you said calmly running your hands through your hair, sitting up and straightening your night gown. One of your maids came in with a tray of breakfast and softly set it on your nightstand. "Good morning lady y/n. Your father has told me to inform you that you will be attending one of his meetings today and that it starts at 2:00." the maid said. You wondered why your father wanted you to go to one of his meeting but nonetheless were pleased to go. "Thank you for telling me and tell my father I will be ready by 1:25" you said planning out the day in your head. "Will do ma'am." said the maid as she turned away and walked out hurriedly.

After a few minutes of sitting and staring at the window you got up and went to the bathroom. You took a quick shower and then did your morning routine. Once you were done you went to your closet and picked a nice green dress with small diamonds on the upper part fading to the skirt to wear for the mean time. You then did your hair in a nice braid crown. After you were done getting ready you went to your library and picked a few books about the history of the eastern empire. You had never really studied it before and thought it was about time you did considering it was one of the most important kingdoms. But you would be lying if you said you didn't also want to learn about it because of the rumors going around. Apparently the emperor had taken in a mistress and began to favor her over the empress.

  After a few hours of reading you became bored and decided to take a stroll around your family estate. You walked through the the beautiful rows of flowers you and your mother had planted when you were little. So much had changed since then. You and your mother used to be close but as time passed your mother became distant and those memories together became just that, memories.

You heard fast footsteps and looked to see one of your maids walking quickly to you. "Miss y/n you were meant to be already getting ready." the maid said sounding a little agitated. "Oh really I'm sorry I must have last track of time." you said wondering how the time had slipped from you. You both then walked back to your room as you quickly tried to get ready. You picked a nice formal burgundy dress and did your hair half up half down. The maid then hurriedly took you outside to the carriage and said goodbye wishing you and your father good luck. You felt nervous but your father calmed your nerves by telling you it was just a regular meeting for noble men to catch up on what's happening at the kingdom, and that it was probably going to be a bunch of familiar faces.

 When you got there you looked up at the elegant beige building made of brick and wood. Once you got in you let out a sigh of stress realizing it really was just a bunch of familiar faces. You and your father sat down in the back of the room with a few of your fathers friends. The meeting seemed to last forever and you quickly became bored. You began to look around around the room studying the unfamiliar faces. After just seeing a bunch of old people a young noble man caught your eye. He had long blonde hair which was put up in a ponytail and the prettiest green eyes that seemed to sparkle in the light. You were too busy admiring him to realize that he had turned and started to look at you. You then looked up and realized he was looking at you. You quickly turned red which made him laugh. " Father I'm going to go get some fresh air real quick." you said to your father to embarrassed to stay in the room. You got up quietly and walked outside to the balcony.

 The sun was setting turning the town into a pretty golden orange color. The weather was nice and there was a little breeze flowing through your hair. You were surprised at the beauty of the town because you rarely went into town. You made a note to yourself to come here more often. You heard the door open and close and wondered if it was your father coming to tell you to come inside. He didn't say anything so you assumed he just wanted a break from the meeting. "Beautiful isn't it?" you said still admiring the sunset. "Indeed it is." an unfamiliar voice said. You turned around quickly only to see the guy you had been staring at. "Oh sorry sir I had thought you were my father coming to tell me to come inside." you said slightly embarrassed from staring at him. "It's ok miss." he said calmly. He then walked next to you leaning on the rail and admiring the view. For about a minute it was silent as you both soaked in all the town's beauty. "I'm sorry for staring." you said breaking the silence.

" It's fine really I should take it as a compliment that you were that interested in me." he responded jokingly. You laughed and let out a sigh knowing he didn't think you were creepy or anything. "And if I'm honest I had been staring at you about a minute before you began looking at me. "Really?" you said shockingly. "Yea you're quite eye catching. " he said with a grin. You smiled taking it as a compliment. You spent the rest of the meeting outside chatting and joking with the kind man. You both didn't seem to realize how much time had passed until people began to walk out of the building. "I should probably get going now." you said with the slightest bit of sadness in your voice. "Yes wouldn't want you to miss your carriage." he said jokingly. "Before I go what's your name?" you said wondering what name would suit him. "Mmm I don't think I'll tell you. It's fun to have a little mystery in your life." he said smirking. "If that's how you want to be then so be it. But I did enjoy talking with you and hope to see you again one day." you said with a warm smile. "Same to you miss." he said. You then turned away and walked inside. You met your father on the way in and he walked you to your carriage. "Who was that guy you were talking to?" your father questioned. "I don't know but he was nice." you responded. The rest of the carriage ride was silent and once you got home a maid met you to get you settle for bed. After a bath your maid began to brush your hair. "How was the meeting miss?" your maid asked. "It was nice. I met a nice man." you said smiling remember all the jokes made. "Really well I hope you see him again. I've never seen you smile like that over a man." your maid said smiling. With that she went to go do other duties and you were left alone with your thoughts. You decided to lay down and read before going to bed. You soon drifted off to sleep.

(1235 words)

Protective Love a Remarried Empress fanfic fem x KosairМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя