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Juliana opens the door, stepping into the apartment. I don't know what I got myself into right now, The whole way back here was filled with silence with ava and juliana who kept making eye contact with each other. Ava is the first one to step into the apartment, she pulls me and juliana by our arms pulling us towards the couch and we follow, she makes us sit on the same couch. Me and juliana glance at each other, annoyed I scoot far away from where juliana is siting.

"So you both are going to tell me what, I don't know what's going on" Ava folds her hands with a serious voice.

"Nothing we-" I try to say something but juliana cuts me

"There is no use in lying you bastard" what did she just say?!

"Excuse me? You are the one throwing insults like confetti" I squint my eyes at her, she scoffs

"I hate confetti and instead of throwing insults, I could throw you out of the window" She raises a brow at me.

 God. this. Women

"Well, considering your distaste for confetti, I'd hate to burden you with something as colorful as my personality. But if you're feeling so inclined, I hear defenestration is an art form – just make sure you aim for the recycling bin." I say, Ava looks at me with widen eyes. Did I go to far?

"Well, you know what they say, trash belongs in the bin. Maybe you should join the recycling efforts and work on being a better person."Juliana says, deja vu rushes over me.

"You know-" I speak but ava cuts me off

"Shut up you both clearly something is going on between you two and you will tell me or else I will burn this building down" Ava takes a step back siting on a chair, crossing her legs one on top of the other. What am I doing here 

"Listen up" Juliana says looking at me.

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