Part 1/3

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Topaz is a soothing, empathetic stone that will direct energy to the place it is most needed. It heals and energizes. Topaz is a promoter of truth and forgiveness. Use it to find your own path.


Lapis sighed softly as she rested her chin in the palm of her hand. She had been stuck down here in the ocean with that aggressive Jasper for a good few months now. They had long ago defused but Lapis still kept the Gem in her capture.

She raised an eyebrow at the gem who was laid on the sea bed, staring up at the sky. It was winter by now and snow was already beginning to fall from the clouds. Jasper could faintly see the wisps of snow landing on the sea then melting instantly. It calmed her down, according to Lapis who had been observing Jasper these past few days since it started to snow.

It was very confusing. Ever since she dragged Jasper down here she'd done nothing but try to escape but this...this was completely different to the Jasper she knew. She was pulled from her thoughts as the imprisoned gem spoke up

"Oi, why you staring at me runt" Lapis frowned and stood up, walking closer to the larger gem

"You're acting're not trying to escape. Jasper looked back at Lapis. The blue gem could almost see Jasper's expression sadden a little

"The snow is calming, plus its none of your business" she said, turning away from Lapis. The blue gem sighed softly to herself as she turned away and went back to sitting on the rock. Surely there was something more to it than that...She spent the next hour thinking it through before she got up, she had made up her mind.

"Jasper?" The gem looked back at Lapis

"What do you want now?" Lapis tugged at the liquid chains

"We're going to the surface."


Steven laughed happily as he ran round on the beach with Connie. The snow had come down pretty thick that morning so the whole beach was covered. The two children laughed and threw snowballs at each other as the Three gems sat a few metres away and watched.

"Be careful Steven!" Pearl called as the boy threw a snowball at Connie and it hit her in the face. The two just kept giggling and throwing snowballs. Garnet placed a hand on Pearl's shoulder and smiled a little

"Calm down Pearl, it's just snow" Pearl nodded in defeat and wrapped the blanket round her more

"Oh I know, but you know how much I worry" Garnet nodded as Amethyst got up

"Yeah Pearl! Just chill out" She said, running after the two children and throwing some snow at them.

"She's hopeless..." Pearl said, rolling her eyes at how childish Amethyst was being then shrieked in shock as a snowball hit her in the face. The muffled giggles of Amethyst proved exactly who it was and she was about to get up to tell her off when another came hurtling her way. Pearl stepped out the way for it only to be heading to Garnet who caught it in her hands easily.

Story of JasperWhere stories live. Discover now