Part 2/3

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warning! there is violence in this chapter!


For as long as Jasper could remember, Topaz had always been there. They couldn't remember how they came to be friends but it seemed better that way. Maybe they'd been friends from birth...?who knows.

Topaz, according to Jasper was one of the most beautiful gem's around. With light blue hair and pale white skin. She was usually seen wearing a navy blue dress trimmed with cream. She was distinctly smaller than Jasper, just making it to her shoulder but that never stopped Jasper from liking her. Jasper knew from the start that she would fall for the blue haired gem and boy, she fell hard. Jasper was always there when Topaz needed help with anything and vice verse though it was usually Jasper who needed help. 

Since her aggressive nature got the better of her sometimes she would get into fights. She was strong and usually beat her opponents but that didn't stop her from getting beat up rather bad. Since Topaz had the power to heal she would always be the one to pull the large gem away from fights and patch her up. 

Topaz's gem was located on her shoulder and her weapon was two throwing knives. Though she hardly used them since she preferred to be out of the way, healing gems instead of harming.  Jasper was somewhat relieved when she decided this was what she was going to do, this way Topaz couldn't be hurt. 

However when the time came to be sent to Earth to fight against Rose Quartz and her army, Jasper knew Topaz would be made to come. She was one of the best healer the homeworld had. The two of them sat in silence as they put their uniform on that had been given to them for the fight. Jasper didn't know what to say until Topaz spoke up

"you promise you'll be alright...?" She said, looking at Jasper with worry in her eyes. The red gem's cheeks went a light pink and she nodded 

"of course, I know how to defend myself Topaz. Though what about you?" The blue gem shrugged. 

"I don't know...hopefully i'll make it though? You've helped me train these past few months anyway...I should be fine" Jasper nodded, the two of them had been helping each other with fighting, mostly Jasper though. They spent hours on end each day sparring, trying to get Topaz to improve. She wasn't the best but she could defend herself to some extent. If they weren't training then they were spending time together in some way or another. 

One way they would waste time would be teaching Jasper to dance. Since she was so large and muscular she found it very difficult to be light footed and graceful like Topaz. This led to the two dancing every so often. Topaz taught the red gem how to take lead and once she got the hang of they tried to fuse.

It took a few tries to get it perfect but finally they did it. It felt amazing, according to Jasper. She was much taller and skinnier, with a pale pink complexion and the lightest shade of blue hair. Jasper wanted to stay this way for longer but Topaz didn't agree, she liked to see Jasper face to face. 

The blue gem swallowed nervously as they boarded the ship which was going to head for Earth in just a few hours. She felt a hand ruffling her blue hair and looked up to see Jasper grinning down at her 

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